For all its worth, I've come to the following conclusions in my listening, viewing and life - REGARDLESS of budget:
1) 7 ch HT sound is severely overrated. Implication: absolutely get a 7 ch system for the cool factor. But dont be surprised if it wears off after a few months. 2nd implication: Differences in 7 ch sound in a $2k Integra, $4k Parasound, $5k B&K or $8k Classe are marginal to zero.
2) 2 ch sound differences are huge. 2 ch sound from a Classe or Parasound or even the old Carys is audibly better than from an HK, Onkyo or even B&K. But not even an $8k Classe or Parasound et al comes EVEN close to a dedicated 2 ch pre-amp. Implication: Invest in auditoning a really great sounding 2 ch preamp (tube for me but doesnt have to be....); You will find yourself listening to the 2 ch pre 90% of the time and may even use it for movies. I am struck by how much more clear movie sound is from my humble 2 ch TADAC than when I turn on my 7 ch parasound. Yes, I can hear birds twittering in the back of the room but I wish any of the 7 ch processors could do decent 2 ch sound ...and Ive tried many
3) Room correction for 2 ch sound, in my house, sounds worse than unprocessed. But room correction helps a lot in 7 ch sound.
4) Implication of all of the above: Spend 80% of any HT budget (not including TVs, projectors and screens) on a great 2 ch preamp, and 2 speakers. Spend the remaining 20% on the HT processor and the remaining 5 speakers
5) If you dont mind slightly complicated wiring, you should get a separate video processor (e.g. DVDO). You can upgrade that every 1-2 years because video technology is still moving fast, but unless you are a tinkerer with upgrade-itis, you will not need to upgrade your 7 ch processor or your 2 ch preamp for many, many years.
6) Media servers RULE! I personally cant hear the difference between playing a CD and playing lossless audio files from a media server (sonos in my case). I have bored endless friends and one wife endlessly by doing A/B's between Sonos and CD players and we can never tell the difference. And installing a media server literally "changed our life" as much as upgrading to Summits. I now listen to music 90% of the time that I am in the house, as does my wife

We wake up and turn the music on and turn it off when we turn in for the night. That $1k investment alone has taken the edge of all the other 20x or more expenditures!
7) An understanding wife who also keeps you honest and has a sense of humour - priceless!! :rocker: I have tried to "bribe" my wife by buying jewels and bags and doo-dads timed around significant audio upgrades and she usually laughingly returns most of those while the A/V gear continues to accumulate...
Just my humble .02 and how I have ended up setting up my HT and audio listening system after altogether too much experimentation and money...