My wife is mad at it justified?

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Jul 12, 2006
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Phoenix, Arizona
So, my birthday is in a few days and my wife asked me what I wanted. I said, "I need to get a new prepro and DVD player"....she sighed. I said, "don't worry I won't break the bank".....she said, "yeah, right". So, we get online and I show her the two pieces that I've been looking at; Onkyo Pro PR-SC5507 processor (twin brother of the Integra 80.1) and the Oppo BDP-83 (not even the SE version). Ok, now, I think I'm being very reasonable in the price vs. value department and to my surprise she starts in on me saying that I'm settling for these low-end pieces instead of going more high-end. I explained that to get the same units from a more high-end manufacturer would cost 4 to 5x the price. She thinks I should hold out and buy the more high-end pieces.

So, long story short, I'm will be getting both pieces on my doorstep tomorrow..:rocker:

Question: Do you think I'm making a sound decision on my purchases, or am I really settling for lessor quality units?

I think I'm doing my system a very quality upgrade...

Can't speak towards the Onkyo as I am not familiar with it. But the BDP-83 is as good as you will get in a BluRay player in my opinion. You can pay a lot more for a fancier looking chassis, but you won't get better performance or customer service from anyone else. Congrats on the upgrade and kudos for having your wife so well-trained. :D
If a man says something and his wife isn't there to hear what he says - is he still wrong? :ROFL:
You married well, now take the difference and do something nice for her for being such a good sport.

Don't put it in those terms or words though.:D
Question: Do you think I'm making a sound decision on my purchases, or am I really settling for lessor quality units?

I think I'm doing my system a very quality upgrade...

I can't speak to the quality of the Onkyo but I just received my Emotiva UMC-1 processor. It is fantastic and the the audio and video are stellar. Cost $699!




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Well, if she needs more convicing, you can tell her that the Oppo/Onkyo (Integra) combination is very popular among end users and reviewers alike, me included. That is a good problem you have there, needing to convince her that you don't need to spend more money!
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Question: Do you think I'm making a sound decision on my purchases, or am I really settling for lessor quality units?


I own an Integra DTC9.8 (ealier version of the one you are considering) and an Oppo. Both pieces are low cost, but hardly "low end". I stepped DOWN from an Anthem Statement D2 to the Integra because the Anthem just wasn't worth the stupid-silly difference in price. If your wife still insists you spend the money get a good 2 channel preamp with hometheater bypass.
Yes, she's justified because you're making two 'upgrades' at once. Everyone knows you only make upgrades one step at a time: baby steps!
For me the question would be. Where do I see my system going in the future.

The Oppo would be hard to beat unless you are going to want to spend many times that so more than likely it's a safe purchase since they have a good track record for reliability.

So that leaves the Onkyo. Does it have the features that you are willing to live with for 5-10 years? If your answer is yes then no problem.

Our wives may be similar in that in the past I have at times purchase items (not necessarily audio equipment) that were not exactly what I wanted, thinking I could be happy with it only to be frustrated in the long run since the item didn't do exactly what I had hoped.

Loving wives sometimes have a better perspective of our process that we do and just wants to save everyone involved from unhappiness and having a dark cloud floating around the house.

If you really think this is the equipment for your system try again to explain to her,the other options and show her specific pieces you considered and why you didn't choose them.

Just my .02
I can't speak to the quality of the Onkyo but I just received my Emotiva UMC-1 processor. It is fantastic and the the audio and video are stellar. Cost $699!



Yeah, love the Emotiva stuff too.....when is the new processor coming out? I think it's the XMC-1 maybe?

I picked up a couple of x series xlr balanced this week too...
For me the question would be. Where do I see my system going in the future.

The Oppo would be hard to beat unless you are going to want to spend many times that so more than likely it's a safe purchase since they have a good track record for reliability.

So that leaves the Onkyo. Does it have the features that you are willing to live with for 5-10 years? If your answer is yes then no problem.

Our wives may be similar in that in the past I have at times purchase items (not necessarily audio equipment) that were not exactly what I wanted, thinking I could be happy with it only to be frustrated in the long run since the item didn't do exactly what I had hoped.

Loving wives sometimes have a better perspective of our process that we do and just wants to save everyone involved from unhappiness and having a dark cloud floating around the house.

If you really think this is the equipment for your system try again to explain to her,the other options and show her specific pieces you considered and why you didn't choose them.

Just my .02

You know that's funny....she asked me those very questions..LOL!! I answered yes to all of them...very expansive capabilities...3 zones- 2nd zone with video and all have LFE sub channels...every other thing you could ever want in a fully loaded prepro. 4-5 years is about all you get from a pre-pro in the main system with technology moving as fast as it does, so I think this unit will set me up good for a while.

to my surprise she starts in on me saying that I'm settling for these low-end pieces instead of going more high-end.
Does she have a sister? Some guys on this site may well want to meet her :)

Fortunately I have a wife who understands my addiction ;)
Dude, Whenever you're wife gives you the green light to spend MORE money, you have to go for it. It's just like companies not meeting their budget projections. If you don't spend all the money, you'll get less next time!
For all its worth, I've come to the following conclusions in my listening, viewing and life - REGARDLESS of budget:
1) 7 ch HT sound is severely overrated. Implication: absolutely get a 7 ch system for the cool factor. But dont be surprised if it wears off after a few months. 2nd implication: Differences in 7 ch sound in a $2k Integra, $4k Parasound, $5k B&K or $8k Classe are marginal to zero.
2) 2 ch sound differences are huge. 2 ch sound from a Classe or Parasound or even the old Carys is audibly better than from an HK, Onkyo or even B&K. But not even an $8k Classe or Parasound et al comes EVEN close to a dedicated 2 ch pre-amp. Implication: Invest in auditoning a really great sounding 2 ch preamp (tube for me :music: but doesnt have to be....); You will find yourself listening to the 2 ch pre 90% of the time and may even use it for movies. I am struck by how much more clear movie sound is from my humble 2 ch TADAC than when I turn on my 7 ch parasound. Yes, I can hear birds twittering in the back of the room but I wish any of the 7 ch processors could do decent 2 ch sound ...and Ive tried many :(
3) Room correction for 2 ch sound, in my house, sounds worse than unprocessed. But room correction helps a lot in 7 ch sound.
4) Implication of all of the above: Spend 80% of any HT budget (not including TVs, projectors and screens) on a great 2 ch preamp, and 2 speakers. Spend the remaining 20% on the HT processor and the remaining 5 speakers
5) If you dont mind slightly complicated wiring, you should get a separate video processor (e.g. DVDO). You can upgrade that every 1-2 years because video technology is still moving fast, but unless you are a tinkerer with upgrade-itis, you will not need to upgrade your 7 ch processor or your 2 ch preamp for many, many years.
6) Media servers RULE! I personally cant hear the difference between playing a CD and playing lossless audio files from a media server (sonos in my case). I have bored endless friends and one wife endlessly by doing A/B's between Sonos and CD players and we can never tell the difference. And installing a media server literally "changed our life" as much as upgrading to Summits. I now listen to music 90% of the time that I am in the house, as does my wife :D We wake up and turn the music on and turn it off when we turn in for the night. That $1k investment alone has taken the edge of all the other 20x or more expenditures!
7) An understanding wife who also keeps you honest and has a sense of humour - priceless!! :rocker: I have tried to "bribe" my wife by buying jewels and bags and doo-dads timed around significant audio upgrades and she usually laughingly returns most of those while the A/V gear continues to accumulate...

Just my humble .02 and how I have ended up setting up my HT and audio listening system after altogether too much experimentation and money...
For all its worth, I've come to the following conclusions in my listening, viewing and life - REGARDLESS of budget:
1) 7 ch HT sound is severely overrated. Implication: absolutely get a 7 ch system for the cool factor. But dont be surprised if it wears off after a few months.
This is exactly what Jim Smith says too in his book, i.e. for most of his customers the HT novelty wears off soon.
I have bored endless friends and one wife endlessly by doing A/B's between Sonos and CD players and we can never tell the difference.
You have more than one wife ???:eek:
This is exactly what Jim Smith says too in his book, i.e. for most of his customers the HT novelty wears off soon.
You have more than one wife ???:eek:

ha-ha. No, just THE ONE, a true female NEO in every sense of that word
For all its worth, I've come to the following conclusions in my listening, viewing and life - REGARDLESS of budget:
1) 7 ch HT sound is severely overrated. Implication: absolutely get a 7 ch system for the cool factor. But dont be surprised if it wears off after a few months. 2nd implication: Differences in 7 ch sound in a $2k Integra, $4k Parasound, $5k B&K or $8k Classe are marginal to zero.
2) 2 ch sound differences are huge. 2 ch sound from a Classe or Parasound or even the old Carys is audibly better than from an HK, Onkyo or even B&K. But not even an $8k Classe or Parasound et al comes EVEN close to a dedicated 2 ch pre-amp. Implication: Invest in auditoning a really great sounding 2 ch preamp (tube for me but doesnt have to be....); You will find yourself listening to the 2 ch pre 90% of the time and may even use it for movies. I am struck by how much more clear movie sound is from my humble 2 ch TADAC than when I turn on my 7 ch parasound. Yes, I can hear birds twittering in the back of the room but I wish any of the 7 ch processors could do decent 2 ch sound ...and Ive tried many
3) Room correction for 2 ch sound, in my house, sounds worse than unprocessed. But room correction helps a lot in 7 ch sound.
4) Implication of all of the above: Spend 80% of any HT budget (not including TVs, projectors and screens) on a great 2 ch preamp, and 2 speakers. Spend the remaining 20% on the HT processor and the remaining 5 speakers
5) If you dont mind slightly complicated wiring, you should get a separate video processor (e.g. DVDO). You can upgrade that every 1-2 years because video technology is still moving fast, but unless you are a tinkerer with upgrade-itis, you will not need to upgrade your 7 ch processor or your 2 ch preamp for many, many years.
6) Media servers RULE! I personally cant hear the difference between playing a CD and playing lossless audio files from a media server (sonos in my case). I have bored endless friends and one wife endlessly by doing A/B's between Sonos and CD players and we can never tell the difference. And installing a media server literally "changed our life" as much as upgrading to Summits. I now listen to music 90% of the time that I am in the house, as does my wife :D We wake up and turn the music on and turn it off when we turn in for the night. That $1k investment alone has taken the edge of all the other 20x or more expenditures!
7) An understanding wife who also keeps you honest and has a sense of humour - priceless!! :rocker: I have tried to "bribe" my wife by buying jewels and bags and doo-dads timed around significant audio upgrades and she usually laughingly returns most of those while the A/V gear continues to accumulate...

Just my humble .02 and how I have ended up setting up my HT and audio listening system after altogether too much experimentation and money...

Just a quick side note and no I am not being critical of 2 channel here. Really I am not.

The above may be true from your experience adanny, but there are others out there, including myself which as a MCH guy I can no longer listen to 2-channel sources, because for me they lack the immersive experience that I crave from MCH.

With that said and a completely different set of goals and objectives, my experience is the exact opposite of everything you just posted. That is not too say either of us is right or wrong, just to say that our experience is different.

I find that upgrades in the MCH side are full of AHA moments and that these drive me to the next upgrade... in fact I can't seem to get off the upgade merry-go-round, each one is better than the last and each one sounds better than the last. I never go back to 2 channel except when I have too for 2-channel SACD, which is almost never.

I just pre-ordered Porcupine Tree's latest MCH release 'The Incident' so soon I will be spending even more time in the MCH man-cave, but as for your wife, she sounds like a keeper to me.:D

I would just add to your posted description that if your taste in music experiencees tend toward the immersive experience of MCH music over 2-channl music then upgrading each and every part of the complete end-to-end component music chain is worth every penny. That's my story and I am sticking to it.:D
The above may be true from your experience adanny, but there are others out there, including myself which as a MCH guy I can no longer listen to 2-channel sources, because for me they lack the immersive experience that I crave from MCH.
Joe, how long have you had MCH? I'm just wondering if the novelty will wear off at some point. Let us know if it ever does.