You know what surprises me most about this thread? The paucity of comments by long-time forum members! This decision to shift ESL production to Canada is easily the biggest news impacting the future of Martin Logan speakers since Gayle sold to Shoreline and left the company. Yet, there are really relatively few comments from longtime members of the forum discussing it. I think we have had more intensive discussions over cables or window dots. What's up with that?
Well, I haven't been around here too long, but I have been an ML owner for 20 years. Here's a few thoughts. They are only thoughts, mind, not absolutes.
1) I am not sure I agree with your panel storage assertion. They arrive in "nothing special" i.e. loose plastic inside a cardboard box. I know, I'm on my fourth set of panels in 20 years, and went through 3 sets just trying to get one set that was fit enough for my old Aerius many years ago. I reckon they last about 7 years, not 15 to 20, but I can see environmental conditiions varying this considerably.
2) The panels are mylar which is under tension. Mylar will simply lose the ability to hold this tension over time, so storage time is relevant on this point alone, even if the panels were better packed than they are. An air tight vacuum seal would be much more ideal. Things get old, and skin slackens, just like in people.
3) Engineers are engineers. Whether they come from the US, Canada, or the UK or Europe. In any country, engineers need money to flourish. As long as the Canadian concern pays enough to attract the required skill level, there won't be a problem. Indeed, panel manufacture is automated, as described earlier in the thread. And the cabinet skills seem to be there too.
4) People don't like change. People are proud of their own country. In fact, people are so proud of their own country, they will lose their own lives for it and their families. So it hurts national pride when something apparently as adverse as this happens. Much of the disdain for this move comes from this fact alone. Fair enough, really.
5) Don't worry about the panels if the worst comes to the worst. A third party absolutely WILL step in. Just like with Apogee ribbons which are now made by Graz in Australia - to a better standard than the originals. Though he now has a German counterpart who has recently turned up offering DIY bass panel installation, something Graz is obviously deeply upset by. ML sales are massively beyond what Apogee ever achieved. If there's a market, there will always be a supplier.
6) Much of what has been said here is negative. Perhaps we ought to accept that some positive things may come of it.
Only time will tell. Just don't get too concerned about it. I am not advocating apathy - just keep a watchful eye on the proceedings. At the end of the day, it can only be interesting.
Even if ML goes under, point 5) will save everyone who can't do without their beloved MLs. Pretty sure that won't happen, though.
Good luck ML, and try to ignore some of the less positive points here.
Hell, some of them will be reading this. And what sort of confidence does the negative slant of this thread provide them with? People need to feel good about what they do to do well and take pride in what they do. Don't hammer them, especially you're fellow Americans, with negativity.
Ripe coming from a Brit, but hey, just trying to help...