Martin Logan - Super Systems... Seeing / Hearing is Believing

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Yet Another Brilliant Vantage System...

:D Clean and cool Vantages are marvelous speakers... :D


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Ascent i / Theater i / Depth System... Wow!

Thriller-Diller amazing Ascent i's, Theater i, Depth driven by Krell... Wow again... :drool:


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Apostolos Amazing CLSiiz System... Continued....

Well, I am home now so as promised more views and better photos of Apostolos's wonder CLSiiz system... :D The Side View...


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Apostolos System Continued...

Well, Apostolos's CLSiiz system with ARC preamp and ARC power monoblocks is tres cool... :band: But in 1995 here is what it looked like in a much smaller listening room, with different electronic driving the CLSiiz's as well... :p


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Cool Clarity / Fresco / Primare System...

Absolutely cool Clarity / Fresco speaker system combined with Primare PSA20... :p Very cool... :D


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Clarity / Fresco / Primare System... Continued...

Another Goregous view of this completly beautiful system. :D :D This system also has a Velodyn Subwoofer as well, which you can just see at the right-side edge of the photo... ;)


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I wish I had that kind of space! *sobs*

I'll have pictures up after XMas! WOOT :)
More Clarity Coolness... Awesome System...

This is a most excellent Clarity System from Europe... Merry Christmas and enjoy! :band:


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Clarity System Spikes...

:p I love what this Clarity system owner has done to protect his her hardwood flooring... ;)


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Clarity System Spikes.... Up-Close and Personal....

Yes! :D This is innovation that is very cool indeed...

Hey..., Is that a Gold coin I see?

But does anyone know what country the gold coin is from?:p

I just Love it! :D


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SL3 System is Soooo San Frantastic!

OK..., Here we go..., this is true audio porn I'm peddling now but I don't care anymore... I am hooked.... It's a disease I tell you..., I think - maybe I have a unusual strain of "Joeyitis", which has morphed into - 'an unreasonable obssesion to post all the beautiful ML systems I see'? I don't know anymore..., I'm just a collection of symptoms on two feet... :D

Joey, You're almost a Doctor... You gotta help me out man? I'm hurtin' bad... My eyes are becoming blood shot with bags under them - from lack of sleep, my skin is tichy / twichy and starting to crawl and I'm starting to see spots... :sad: ....and on top of everything else - it's almost Christmas not Halloween... :drool:


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SL3 System ~ Continued...

Superfantastic associated Audio Gear.... :band: Velodyne DD-15, Vincent SP-996 just incredible... :drool:


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Stellar Summit / ARC System...

:drool: Summits with Reference ARC powered monoblocks... :band:


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I Understand Kid... But Check-Out This Summit Killer-Sound System...

Can't Robin..... I'm sick too.... .

I hope you don't recover..., And I'll tell you why, I actually envy your "Joeyitis", as it keeps you out there constantly looking and more importantly listening to a wide verity of audio gear. :band: Stay sick Joey we'll care for you here at the ML Club...

But Joey, this is what I have been wanting to show you, just look at this incredible Summit / VBA Passion 1000 Super Killer-Sound System.... :drool: I would dearly love to hear this system for an afternoon, maybe more... :drool: Can you imagine the sound stage and imagining potential of this Summit system? :drool:


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