Martin Logan - Super Systems... Seeing / Hearing is Believing

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I wonder how good the sound could be if you could remove all the electronics from the high vibration environment of the enclosures?

That's an interesting question. Perhaps that's what the Super-Summit should try to accomplish :)

But Joey, this is what I have been wanting to show you, just look at this incredible Summit / VBA Passion 1000 Super Killer-Sound System.... :drool: I wold dearly love to hear this system for an afternoon, maybe more... :drool: Can you imagine the sound stage and imagining potential of this Summit system? :drool:

Hehehe... but I would also like to hear the Avantegardes next to them Summits.... hmmm... horns...

Joey ;)
Hey..., Is that a Gold coin I see?

But does anyone know what country the gold coin is from?:p

I just Love it! :D

That coin is a Swedish coin. Can't tell it's value though.
Regal Request - YBA Intergre System...

:p Requests powered by YBA electronics including the YBA Intergre Amplifier... :D


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Super Klipsch Sequel ii System...

Klipsch combined with Sequel ii's must sound pretty good... :cheers:


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Super Klipsch Sequel ii System... Continued...

:D Another view of the Klipsch and Sequel ii combnation system... :band:


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Deep Inside the Amazing Voyage ML Speaker...

:wow: The Voyage opened-up for all to see... :wow:


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Incredible Clarity / Copland System...

Clean and Cool Clarity / Copland System - Beautiful... :D


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It's A Voyage...

Oh boy! Methinks that's a Voyage, not Passage. :cool:
benleeys and Audiophiliac

You are correct, benleeys, it's a Voyage... Sorry about that, the photo was listed as a Vinette.... I was just posting too fast yet again and didn't really look carefully enough. :p I changed my post above. :eek:

Thanks guys... :eek:
Supercalifragileisticxbealidous Ascent i / Cinema i System...

:eek: Sorry for the 'Mary Poppins' reference but this is a great system... :D


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Ascent i / Cinema i System... Continued...

Looking good very Ascent i / Krell so good.... ;)


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Tour Of ML Plant...

You know in my wanderings over the Internet, I discovered another tour of the ML Plant in Lawrence, Kansas. It occured almost six years ago. "The Stereo Times" ~ Audio Magazine employees with Steve Ekblad were toured through the ML company by Gayle and his then ML team... :D Naturally, The Stereo Times, wrote it all down with photos attached. What a wonderful tour and speaker manufacturing facility. Martin Logan is just the best. :D
Check it out...,GWYB:2006-12,GWYB:en%26sa%3DN

:D Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays!
Aerius Super Clean System...

Aerius speakers in this clean and cool system... ;)
I think the Flowers are a nice touch, don't you? :)


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Clean and Cool ~ Aerius System... Continued...

Another view of this great Aerius system... :p


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