Successful washing of my SL3 panels!! Small arcing problem solved.
Thanks to this thread, and the encouragement by an ML rep (with proper warnings!) I washed my SL3 panels last weekend and it worked out well... though with a bit of an interesting stumble, which I will explain. My SL3's were exhibiting the usual low output, rolled off highs that everyone describes, and no other problems. I couldn't listen to them anymore, and I couldn't sell them, so I fully understood that if I totally ruined the panels, I was then committed to spending $1400 for new panels. I finally decided it was worth the gamble.
After disassembly, I washed the panels outside with a garden hose sprayer (shower setting)..... fairly high pressure too... maybe subliminally i WANTED to ruin them just so I HAD to buy new panels?? Nevertheless, i was very careful not to stress the panels so they wouldn't separate or get misaligned. I did not clamp them like the previous poster showed. The next day I reassembled the SL3's, and waited another day to complete the dryout.
Success!! After 2 days drying, I powered them up, and was greeted with the glorious sound that they made 20 years ago..... well... very close anyway. I am running the woofer switch in the "Reduced" position, but in my room, I think I always needed to reduce the woofers. It VERY much depends on your amp and room. My SL3's are only about 15 inches from the back wall, and my amp is a Bryston 4B-ST, (recently restored (recapped) by Bryston). I've tried many amps over the years, and THIS is a great amp for the SL3's!
Anyway..... after about 2 hours of playing, and reminiscing with my "Stop Making Sense" Blu-Ray.... between songs I noticed a ticking sound from the left side. The left panel was arcing! It had never arced before, so i know it was something i did. I couldn't locate the position of the arc... It just seemed to come from everywhere. So the next day I popped off the rails, and powered it up to see if it was arcing at the edge of the panel... and there it was.... (see pic)... the red diaphragm wire was arcing to the front stator. The insulation is a bit pulled back there, so all i did was wedge a little piece of black electrical tape in the gap, and that stopped it. I put the rails back on, and everything is sounding good again!
I'll enjoy them awhile, but maybe decide to get a new pair of Expressions.... or maybe some used Summit X's?... we'll see how my budget looks next year! I love these SL3's, but I could use more control and resolution in the low end, and some improvement in dynamics and headroom.... that said... these are and always have been an amazing speaker, and a fantastic value!
Thanks to Martin Logan for such a great product.... and answering my questions.