former MLO owner/operator

[size=+3]The Martin Logan Club - December Editorial 2003[/size]
“A Wonderful Beginning and a New Direction…”

Article By Jason Liu (President, ML Club)[/size]
For many people around the world, December is a very special month. During this time, millions will be celebrating Christmas with its festive atmosphere evoking the true meaning of goodwill, joy, and peace around the world. Many millions more in the coming weeks will be cheering on a new year as once again, the millennium continues to be a monumental milestone of our unique place and time in history. Yet it can also be a time when reflection becomes communal, personal, and even spiritual. I find myself now, fondly reflecting how the inspiration of an idea and the collective will of a group of dedicated people can bring to fruition a project that means so much to the lucky few.
Back in January of this year, I was curious to know why there were not enough Martin Logan owners out there in AA, willing to share their anecdotes on their prized speakers. There was no shortage of comments on other planar/electrostatic speakers. Yet for the world’s most popular electrostatic/hybrid speaker manufacturer, there was not a single owners group devoted to maintaining a presence on the net that would reflect its large consumer base. There was a scattering of Martin Logan owners proudly displaying their system and giving assorted tips and information, but never as a collective whole.
After a number of postings I made on AA, the response I received when I decided to form this group was very positive. It was then that I realized what all proud ML owners knew, that these speakers were special and it deserved a proper presence on the internet. The idea was passed around before, but surprisingly never initiated. Perhaps the timing back then wasn’t quite there but in the early part of this year, a number of enthusiastic and wonderful people volunteered to join me on this quest. Mark Gilmore from the Atma-Sphere Owners Group and Mart from the Planar Asylum offered to assist in getting the tools set up for a site. Then a very talented programmer from the Bay area offered to try his hand on developing the site- his name- Tom D’Acquisto. We started to bounce ideas between us (over tidbits of info from e-mails that sometimes needed a bit of deciphering!).
When Tom first showed me the prototype of the main menu, I was knocked out! I knew right away that it would have a good start but what were we going to put on it? After getting official consent from the company, I started to write on a pad of paper the things that I felt were important to all ML owners- they now form part of the answers in the FAQ section and the introduction on the main page.
Almost a year later, this site is growing in leaps and bounds because you- the wonderful ML enthusiasts and owners- made it happen! The forum is now a great place to exchange ideas and talk about Martin Logan as much as one likes. Indeed, the timing has never been better because Martin Logan has taken a new direction in their company objectives. Within the first half year of this site’s existence, we have seen the launch of the Clarity with its second generation ESL panels; the improved versions of the already excellent Aeon, Ascent, Cinema, Theater and Script; and the unveiling of the latest: Fresco, Mosaic, and Grotto, not to mention a new ML president! That is quite a lot of activity from Martin Logan, which continues to expand and improve its products and image.
We on the Martin Logan Club must also follow the lead and take a new direction. With members from all around the world, the opportunity has never been better to make this site even more friendly and informative. Over the next coming weeks, there will be more features added (one of them is already the monthly poll) including owner reviews of ML products and ML stories you would like to share.
You are going to expect to see some changes on this site although many of it is still experimental and progressive. Your input is of course very important to us, and so we are always acting upon your suggestions when feasible.
Tom has been working very hard on the design of this site and certainly deserves a lot of applause for being a most excellent webmaster. A number of ideas have entered my head including having our very own member t-shirt, and even a convention somewhere in North America where we can all get together to do some serious listening and exchange! Perhaps a factory tour of the Martin Logan facility is in the works?
Right now, we are looking for anybody interested in being an occasional or regular reviewer for the site. So help out and spread the news about our site, and most important of all, contribute whenever you can. In the meantime, there is always good music to enjoy.
On the behalf of the ML club, I would like to wish to you all a very merry holiday season!
Jason Liu