London Hi-Fi Show 2008 Pics & CLX recordings!

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It's a shame you can't change the order of posts, but then this is being done on a totally ad hoc, amateur, un-pre-planned, bodged sort of a way, as and when I feel like it/have the time.

Anyway, the point is that this tube amp is running the TechTubes mentioned earlier. It's called the Proteus Diamond and is hand-built to order, and point-to-point hardwired. The output impedance is also selectable at 2, 4, 8 and 16 Ohms. Good for 30 Watts, and using KT90s, according to the printed spec I have here it only manages an S/N ratio of 77dB - that's not too good in my book.

No comments on sound - it wasn't loud enough to evaluate when I was in there, but it was parked next to an Avid/SME V and some B&W loudspeakers. Probably inadequate power output for most ML owners... quite pretty, anyway, if you like loads of chrome - or is that stainless steel? I suspect the cage will look cool in the dark.


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£30,000 worth of Thorens turntable, and slightly blurred other Thorens kit. I took 5 pics of the TT, and this is the only one I could post. It is good enough though. To be brutally honest, it really doesn't look like £30K's worth! That's a Van Den Hul Frog in the arm.

There were a lot of TTs at the show - and I had pics of the lot, really. Virtually NONE can be posted. Bitter shame... however, this is one of the "more important" ones. Important because of the Thorens heritage in turntable manufacture, and not because of it's price. I wouldn't pay it - my money would go to Transrotor or Clearaudio, if it went to anyone apart from Michell.

Anyway, I have just been listening to a chat with Pete whilst listening to ZZ Top recorded at 24/96. Seems as though I had the recording level set low, so plenty of gain will be required to play it - what did I say about a certain bootleg quality? On my Sennheiser's, it sounds bass rich, on my Ascent/Descent, it does not. Anyway, it's worth it for the chat with Pete. If anyone can tell me what we are saying, the gist of anyway, I will post more. If not, well, as I said, I tried:)

You want more on the TT?, well, it's a Thorens Jubilee, unsurprisingly - so check the website...


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Two most critical issues (with any MC cartridge actually) are SRA and input load.. Step by step rational methods for establishing both are available :food12:
Neil, would you mind posting your procedures here, please.
Did you see/hear the Eben speaker line by Raidho of Denmark. It's the best non-stat I ever heard. Jim Aud of Purist Audio Design uses it to voice his cable, (or he used to anyway.)

No I didn't - but I will keep an eye out for them!

Anyway, as promised, and (possibly!) a world first, I give you ZZ Top's La Grange, CLX style, in 3 different bit rates. Don't worry about the source and viruses etc, I am sure this hosting site is fine. If anyone makes a post saying the gist of the conversation, I'll take it that at least someone was interested and possibly post more. Any comments/thoughts on what you hear would be very interesting i.e. do you think this sort of thing is worthwhile or a complete waste of time? Does it tell you more than a written review would do etc etc. Be quick because this is a free hosting site and the files won't stay there for long! about five Meg at 320KBps. at 16 bit/44.1 KHz - just burn it to a CDR as a music disc and slam it in yer hi-fi. 23.6 Meg. For some reason, the level is higher on this one than the other two. Dunno what I did to make it different, but it sounds fine. The best compromise between download time and sound quality, I think.

24/96 coming soon... waiting for the upload! And here it is:) 77.3 Meg. You may need to download a codec to play this through a computer. Obviously the best quality of the lot.

These files will leave the server when no one is downloading them anymore - impossible to be more precise than that, I am afraid.
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Setting stylus SRA

Justin and Bernard, I started a thread for this -- see under Off Topic AV
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I downloaded the CD quality version and except for some chap chatting during the music:ROFL: I thought it was great. Too bad it wasn't a different song however. I don't have any ZZ top to go home to listen to.

I thought it sounded pretty good. I have a small pair of microphones that I can clip onto my eyeglass frames and when it is played back through headphones, you get some pretty good binaural type imaging.

Can't wait to hear the MBL's.


OK here is the CLX demo room, shot in HD video. And why not. Gives a good idea of the size of the room and other equipment in it, plus a view of ML rep Pete - can't remember his surname, sorry!

Make sure you have Apple's Quicktime installed. Or download an MP4 codec for Windows Media Player. Or use whatever else you have:) Enjoy. 49.2 Meg.
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I downloaded the CD quality version and except for some chap chatting during the music:ROFL: I thought it was great. Too bad it wasn't a different song however. I don't have any ZZ top to go home to listen to.

I thought it sounded pretty good. I have a small pair of microphones that I can clip onto my eyeglass frames and when it is played back through headphones, you get some pretty good binaural type imaging.

Can't wait to hear the MBL's.



Glad you enjoyed it, Chuck. Will post the MBL recording(s) some time this week...
A little more TT porn in the shape of the Lumley Stratosphere and Heliosphere...


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OK - from one of those rooms you really do not want to walk out of, I bring you the new Dartzeel CTH-8550 integrated... very nice indeed. You have to get close to this stuff to see how well made it is. It looks and feels fantastic. A job done properly, so to speak. It sounds bl**dy good, too, but it isn't cheap...:(

Very tasty indeed. Not available until October...

Check out the Pleasure Control... that's volume to you and me...:)


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I think I scored this as a 7.5/10 system, against the CLX's 9, and MBL's 8. Maybe that was harsh - let's lift to 7.75!

Anyway, Dartzeel NHB-100 (Never Before Heard) powering Magico V3 speakers. Rest assured that these are very good speakers indeed. Lots of stuff about Nano-Tec drivers in the sales blurb - whatever, they sound ace. Check what I guess are room treatments in the background.

I could live with this system. What Dartzeel need to realise is that I have heard it now.

Check this out: does that look weird or what?


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Insanity asylum returns... MBL system in HD video... "Ain't no sunshine when she's gone...":) 27.8 Mb MP4 file.

Decent quality MBL audio to follow... 320 KBps 5.82Mb MP3. 16 bit 44.1Khz 25.6Mb Red Book CD quality WAV file - burn to a music CD etc etc

24/96 version only supplied if requested. Oh OK, here it is anyway... just because it IS noticably better than the CD res version: 83.7 Mb.

These ARE all at the same playback level - so you play the "can I hear the difference between the bit rates" game.

If this site seems slow to download - check back some other time. I have seen download rates vary by as much as 10x - it's usually best when the US is asleep:D

Who is this playing and what is the track? I have heard it many times before, but I can't place it... must be getting old!:)
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Little MBL 121 Compact...

Serious shock time - I have just been checking up on the MBL 101E - the ones in the recordings above. They were $45,000 in 2004!!! Gulp. And 81 DB sensitivity means SERIOUS power is required.

I'd definately take the CLX and two Descent i, and pocket the change. Good though the 101E undoubtedly is, it isn't worth that! The ones I feature in the HK Show are $180,000!!!!!!!


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I have never heard this particular song, but it sounds like Jackson Brown to me.


He kept saying "These Days" so I checked it out on Napster. You were right, it is "These Days" and this version is on Jackson Browne Solo Acoustic Vol 1. Thanks Chuck - dilemma resolved! Have to say I quite like the track - tis good stuff - though I wouldn't buy it, if you know what I mean.

Just listened to the whole album - if you like laid back, easy going, good vibe acoustic stuff, this a DEFINATELY worth a play.
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We've all seen it before, I am sure, but here it is again, an Audio Research VS115 - parked right in between an aluminium pair of CLXs... in fact, you can see the edge of the CLX just beyond the last pair of 6550s. I wonder how loud it could drive the CLX - it just MIGHT be OK with them.

Then the same amp - in a different location - the CLX demo room, as it happens - together with an Ref110 and LS26. Just for you ARC guys, you understand:)


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