That looks EERILY familiar...
Hehe, wondered if someone would notice, glad you did :devil:
So, seriously, what would I do if no financial constraints (but will assume I keep my custom room and Infinite Baffle sub)?
Update to latest HD-DVD model the Toshiba XA2
Add new Denon Blue-Ray listed above (3800?) (will happen ayway)
Add Meridian HD-DVD / DVD-A player when released
Update to the Meridian from a 568 to an 861 (gain no new features really, even DRC is already covered) Just like the big, expandable box. Assume they have an HDMI input card soon that supports the 8ch PCM streams.
Consolidate the front DriveRacks to a 4800 model (newer, higher-rez, but same functions). Move one DriveRack to rear duties.
Tough one, as I already have 15 channels and more than enough power. But I might obtain one of each of the ‘recommended’ amps elsewhere in the thread and see if they really can best the Sunfires. And by best, I mean they actually measure and sound better. Some of those things are really expensive tone controls or just flat lack current delivery at low impedance. They might work OK on dynamic speaks, but on electrostats, hmmmm.
Maybe check out the Innersound line of amps designed for ESL duties
Add mid-bass line-array to Monoliths, thereby creating the “Mondolith”
Not kidding, this one is in the works, stay tuned.
More acoustic treatments and more snazzy artwork.
Replace current couch with Ekornes 3 seat couch
That's about it...