As was noted by others...we appreciate varied opinions, as is seen in all sorts of threads (others talking about switching to wilson speakers, etc.)
The main characteristic of this forum is civility, and stating "martin logans are overrated" in a forum dedicated to people who enjoy martin logans is akin to yelling fire in a crowded theater. It doesn't prompt discussion, it tries to inflame. Considering the way the thread was started, I think it's gotten far more civil responses than you would find on almost any other forum.
Forums don't need controversies and drama, they need discussions and new ideas. Stating an opinion as fact is not a good way to start an open ended discussion.
We are far from a religious sect, and if approached with any topic in a civil manner, will respond in kind. If you would like our help or impressions, ask for them, don't insult our common bond. In fact, If this is a religion as you suggest, I have committed the ultimate heresay and built 2/3 of my own system in my garage, because of deficiencies I felt with the logans, so certainly don't think they are the end all...and I seem to be applauded for trying these new things, not put down (look in the DIY threads...people seem to be very interested in learning about these new ideas)
So, please, keep it civil and don't flame/bait and you'll find this a very friendly place.