Ethan Winer may be on the verge of proving expensive interconnects don't matter.

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I thought it was curious when he was here that he would never list the components in his system. Most people who are into audio do not hesitate to list their reference components. I had the distinct impression at one point that they were low-fi.

Suggesting that Ethan is not into audio is sort of missing what he is about.

I purchased his 600+ page book, "The Audio Expert Everything you Need to Know About Audio".

It is quite detailed with lots of practical experience and sound explanations to back up why things work. With it he included a DVD with useful audio tracks for testing as well as his cello video. Ethan is a musician. He plays multiple instruments and he is also a bit of a mastering engineer.

His home stereo system is definitely not exotic. He does have elaborate room treatments which only makes sense since he sells room treatments.
Suggesting that Ethan is not into audio is sort of missing what he is about.

I purchased his 600+ page book, "The Audio Expert Everything you Need to Know About Audio".

It is quite detailed with lots of practical experience and sound explanations to back up why things work. With it he included a DVD with useful audio tracks for testing as well as his cello video. Ethan is a musician. He plays multiple instruments and he is also a bit of a mastering engineer.

His home stereo system is definitely not exotic. He does have elaborate room treatments which only makes sense since he sells room treatments.
I did not at any point suggest that he was not into audio. What I said was that most people who are into audio list their reference components, but he did not. I did not imply (but you inferred I was saying) that if you did not list your system you were not into audio.

Does it not seem counterproductive to have elaborate room treatments with a basic system?

But, enough talk about him; I've got better things to do. Justin says it best in his last post.
Actually, some components are voiced to compliment jazz and classical vs rock.

Tube gear with the classic tube sound is one example. Said sound being very saturated in the midrange with limited highs and a somewhat full but "slow (lack of punch) in the mid bass / bass area.

Another example is Sonus Faber speakers.

I'm confident some cable manufacturers fall into this category.

In the end, it's all about personal preferences and system synergy.
Actually, some components are voiced to compliment jazz and classical vs rock.

Tube gear with the classic tube sound is one example. Said sound being very saturated in the midrange with limited highs and a somewhat full but "slow (lack of punch) in the mid bass / bass area.

Should this be the case, it must be noted that this gear; to which you refer; is actually deficient, has design faults, and is ultimately not accurate, nor "hi-fi".

Is it desirable though? Maybe....>

Ultimately though - who cares, as long as you like it. Preference for one set of deficiencies over another is what this hobby is all about.

I don't consider it a hobby.

My wife and I listen to music while we read and occasionally I crank it up :)

I like how my stereo sounds and have no plans to change any gear out unless there is a large technology shift or something fails.

I've hit that point with RC Helis too. I'm almost there with camera equipment. I may have another $4-5K in lens before I reach it. Woodworking tools "seem" an endless pit at this point, but I "think" I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. That is after my cabinet saw arrives tomorrow and I build my uber router table.
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Obviously you do, or else you wouldn't spend so much time on this forum. 760 posts in 2 years, it is a bit of a hobby for you (like the rest of us).

Maybe so. I guess it just rates as a lower priority than many of my other hobbies.

These are my stats from an RC Heli forum.

I work from home and am in front of 3 monitors all day long. That leaves me many times of the day for little breaks where I sweep the forums I'm interested in and FB.

I don't consider it a hobby.

My wife and I listen to music while we read and occasionally I crank it up :)


Mark, the fact that you listen while you read tells a lot. Most importantly your music is secondary ? or did you mean that while reading you have music on in the background ?
Mark, the fact that you listen while you read tells a lot. Most importantly your music is secondary ? or did you mean that while reading you have music on in the background ?

I do enjoy listening from the "sweet spot" too, but most of the time my stereo is on music is playing in the background.

So there is some critical listening, and a lot more just enjoying the music in a less involved way.

Given your listening habits and with all due respect, that is precisely why (I believe) you find the "wire" discussion meaningless and without merit.

One cannot determine subtleties (sonic effects of wire and their subsequent "value") by listening passively for the majority of time.


Actually, some components are voiced to compliment jazz and classical vs rock.

Tube gear with the classic tube sound is one example. Said sound being very saturated in the midrange with limited highs and a somewhat full but "slow (lack of punch) in the mid bass / bass area.

Another example is Sonus Faber speakers.

I'm confident some cable manufacturers fall into this category.

In the end, it's all about personal preferences and system synergy.

Hi Gordon....

What is it about Sonus Faber speakers? Not arguing.... just curious as to your opinion.... I have heard the Strads and found them very engaging.... Are you saying they are more of a 'romantic' sounding speaker? I.e - something you would listen to string quartet with? (best quartet I ever heard were on Strads).....

But, yes - it is all about personal preference - and I don't feel one is wrong and the other right.... just personal preference..... What sounds most like the 'live' event or absolute sound or whatever??? Well - that probably depends on the room... seating position.... instrument being played..... Its the never-ending question without an answer I think because of the enormous number of variables....

Recently - my cary slp98 power supply went down - so I hooked up my PS Audio DirectStream direct.... I was surprised ... I am not sure what I like better.... (Rich - try this)...... I am going to get the Cary fixed .... but.... The bass seems better direct.... So, I found the impedance is a flat 120 ohms on the Directstream (my amp is 24K).... and the Cary is 800 - but according to John Atkinson can go as high as 8000 at low frequencies.... so I believe this is a synergy thing.... getting back to your 'system synergy' comment......
Hi timm,

Haven't heard SF recently but have auditioned in audio stores on numerous occasions. They all had this warm, overripe midrange with the commensurate effect of compromising detail and transparency. That's one reason why many SF owners (I believe) have SS amps to power the speaker.

The coloration works very well with classical music giving strings a certain sheen and body as opposed to sounding rough and strident. Horns have this wonderful roundness and hall decay about them but lack initial impact and image specificity.

Many SF owners (I believe) like this "flavor" and that's fine with me.

And yes, it is all about synergy and personal preference.


Given your listening habits and with all due respect, that is precisely why (I believe) you find the "wire" discussion meaningless and without merit.

Agree Gordon.

However, I supported [most] of what Mark said, and I am the exact opposite.

My system is in a dedicated room and remains off unless I am actively listening.

Music for me is all-consuming. For this reason (and to this end), I actually find music in the background annoying. It is always there - taking my attention from anything else. It would be like trying to read two books at once for me.

So if I am reading (or whatever), music is off.

Admittedly, I spend a lot of "one on one" time with my system. That being just listening, no distractions. As you say, "all consuming". A minimum of 90 minutes every day (week days) and 2 to 2-1/2 hours on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Music truly is my life blood and is part of my inner being. Will be very sad for me when I can no longer enjoy this "hobby".

No distractions here. Today UPS freight dropped off a 400+ lb cabinet saw. Very smooth and definitely music to my ears!
For now I rewired it for 110V operation, but I can easily swap it back once I have a 100A 240V panel installed in my garage for a future Tesla :rocker:

I love that Forrester Woodworker II blade. I already knew it was a good blade but it was only out by 0.001" when I spun it. Obviously the arbor on this saw is true as well! I never saw it out more than 0.006" raising lowing and tilting it! I'll cut my miter sled board and zero clearance insert after I'm sure it isn't going to drift after I cut a few boards with it. Time to get the wings and INCRA fence on it :)

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You need to swap out the supplied power cord with some boutique brand.

It will reduce the "noise" and make it much smoother.
