Super User
Guys, let's tone it down a bit. Everyone has their own experience and we're all free to share that here, but let's not descend into personal attacks that will force moderation.
Good point MiTT! A little "livening up" of this site may just be a kiss of death to it's longevity!!Guys, let's tone it down a bit. Everyone has their own experience and we're all free to share that here, but let's not descend into personal attacks that will force moderation.
Good point MiTT! A little "livening up" of this site may just be a kiss of death to it's longevity!!
Good grief you whining child....over 3300 posts? Most of which are nothing but vile attacks on Martin Logan? Grow up...This site was around long before you got here and will be around long after you are gone. If you think being pretentious and condescending equates to "livening up" the site, then I am sure there are many other audiophile communities on the Internet where you will fit in nicely.
Good grief you whining child....over 3300 posts? Most of which are nothing but vile attacks on Martin Logan? Grow up...
Rich, my first post at the top of the thread was meant with generic humor and advice...obviously not taken that way!! After that I received nothing but attacks from our Vancouver friend! If it hadn't taken such a turn...guess what Rich?...I LIVED just outside of Vancouver for 3 years but the tone never got to that!! We still have many good friends all over British Columbia, along with a ski chalet that hosts some of the best skiing on earth!! With respect, as I have been told by many a dealer..this hobby tends to attract numerous audiophile "geeks", whether well healed or not! Avoiding or being banned by these types of forums would trouble very few! I made the unfortunate choice to try to share my experience with ML products. There are many "veteran" users here who have owned the product much longer than I, but I have had this brand in my home since the mid 90' many renditions! I am PASSIONATE about ML products...just not so much toward the minority of folks who eat, sleep, walk, and talk on these forums!!! Some folks have got to get out there and get a life outside of their "measurements" and "specifications"!!Good luck to you!!Not whining. Nor am I a child. But I will give you a friendly warning. We are a community here, and those who choose to name-call, put-down, or otherwise pick fights with other forum members, tend to get banned from the community pretty quickly.
To convince yourself of this, if the DC is 100% separate from the AC signal, all this would be of no real use for NOISE, but could still be significant if the varying noisy DC signal (no longer pure DC) bias alters the gain characteristics of the AC signal blocks. If it isn't 100% DC, it is indeed changing the Vcc bias voltage to a different than spec value and will change the gain from where it is intended to be. Can you hear this? No comment. Could you measure it? Should be able to with a difference scope set-up. I have never seen this VCC stability tact used to support power line filtering, though.
What I can hear, is that the DC and AC do not have a "wall" between them. If I power off my wonderful VPI CLASSIC 3.0 T-tables, I hear a nice POP through the CLX that was produced when the DC and AC decided to get together. The sharp RF transient creates enough RF to get through the DC side to the AC side, filter or not. If I UNPLUG the table from the same circuit and use another one, it is fine. This seems to say the power cord path is responsible, and it isn't RF modulated through the air into the pre-amp. So it gets in through the DC power block.
Good point MiTT! A little "livening up" of this site may just be a kiss of death to it's longevity!!
I own Martin Logans! What lonely soul would be posting here if he didn't?Why are you posting on this site?
I own Martin Logans! What lonely soul would be posting here if he didn't?
Agreed Gordon, fair enough! Likely comes from viewing too many political sites prior to viewing MLOF. Could I suggest we discuss the effect of power cords on Obama? All the best, take care.Hi Beach,
Not lonely. Just enjoy the camaraderie and friends I have made over the years on this site.
Perhaps if you can act in a civil / respectful / non confrontational manner, you may realize the same.
Based on your posts on this thread, I strongly suspect that this will not be the case.
As Rich said, there are other sites that may be more compatible with your apparent attitude.
PS: Just reviewed your past posts on this thread. With all due respect, you appear to have the classic passive / aggressive personality and come across as self righteous and condescending AKA the "my way or the highway" type. Please do us all a favor and accept the fact that others will have valid / defensible opinions that are based on their personal experiences that differ from yours. Given the inherent subjectivity of this hobby, all perspectives are valid. I personally welcome your input assuming it is done in an appropriate / constructive manner.
I would be more than glad to give you your title back...tried it, didn't like's yours again!!Gee,
Boys Boys I thought I was the Official trouble maker here, cant We all kiss and make-up?
the Beek
Agreed Gordon, fair enough! Likely comes from viewing too many political sites prior to viewing MLOF. Could I suggest we discuss the effect of power cords on Obama? All the best, take care.
For some reason they get people wiredCable threads. Always trouble.![]()