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Mike Lavigne should get Statements....
I saw 13,000 euros.... so close to $26,000 ?
That would be Mike Lavigne's room! It's a barn that was converted to a class A sound room.
The Euro is not 2 for one... Last I checked it was $1.3 to 1Euro... been awhile so I guess it could be up a bit, but it should be about $20k US...
Ah, I was guessing it was still closer to the Pound than it was to our dollar says it's $17,358
The question is, does it sound close to $10,000 better than Summits?
MM3's are very big with beautiful cabinets..I wonder how they sound with the wonderful DarTZeel NHB-18NS preamp combined with the DarTZeel NHB-108 Model One amp, with the EMM Labs / Meitner CD/SACD source ?
A minimalist high-end speaker system to be sure...
lugano,Robin, before listening to this system and finding out how it sounds, you'd better wear one of <a href="" target="_blank">these</a>...
Tim,Robin, I don't see anything from Graham in this photograph. The speakers you are showing here are the Gallo Acoustic's Reference's...
You are quite correct...those are Gallo Acoustic Ref 3's... I can't tell what the Graham Engineering 2.1 is in reference to, sorry.
I'll change my above post.
Thank you for the sharp eye...![]()
MM3's are very big with beautiful cabinets... :band: I wonder how they sound with the wonderful DarTZeel NHB-18NS preamp ~ $23K combined with the DarTZeel NHB-108 Model One amp. ~ $18K, with the EMM Labs / Meitner CD/SACD source ~ $10K? :drool: :cheers:
Tim,I had given some initial comments on these Evolution Audio speakers from my coverage of the Rocky Mountain Audio fest last fall. At the show they were really not as impressive as you might think, even when driven by similar daRtzeel and EMM Labs electronics. Maybe it was just the show environment, but while the system was certainly capable of some staggaring dynamics, it wasn't exactly my cup of tea on the detail front.
The system in your picture looks pretty amazing though Robin. I'd like to hear them again in a well burned in, well set up system in a real room...
I think these are speakers that Mike Lavigne's actually got in his listening room now - not the big Von Schwikerts
:drool: Sound Lab make exquisit full range just electrostatic (non-hybird) speakers. :drool:
This system employ's Manley Labs 250 tubed mono-blocks connected to the Sound Lab A3's... :drool:
I knew I'd seen this recently, as I'd mentioned above Mr. Mike Lavigne (the guy with the legendary room/barn). has swapped out the big Von Schweigerts for the Evolution Acoustics MM-3's as well.
Must make a point of listening to these again sometime...