OK - two months and a little trouble later since the upgrade.
In short, the first thought, before the restorer left, was "great - bags more resolution". But we had only been listening to instrumental type stuff - no voices.
When I did so, I was literally quite shocked - too much sibilance and smear. Not just a little - really quite a lot! Not at all subtle. There was also some pretty odd colourations occuring in the upper mid. Not nice colourations - just plain odd and bizarre.
The speakers also sounded too bright. But this became extremely apparent with some material - which was presented with what seemed like incredible resolution - beyond ESL levels. I've not heard anything like it.
Dispersion was much improved with the sweet spot being much wider than before. Also, the actual behaviour of the ribbon visibly altered - the whole ribbon seemed to move and not curl much as per the earlier KLM2. Additionally the sound now had much more front to back extension and layering.
So there were some real advantages but some real disadvantages too. I started posting about the various aspects of the change on the Apogee forum. I even had Graz phone me direct from Australia - he was getting concerned with my obvious dissatisfaction about the less positive aspects of the sound. The Apogee forum thread I raised got deleted along with many others by accident, so it is not worth looking for it.
In short, I found myself really NOT enjoying the speakers as much as I had done before. The upper-mid colouration and the sibilance/brightness were really getting on my nerves. But the positive aspects were there too.
So I surmised - extra running in required. So I put the Duettas on 12-14 hours a day using a solid stater. The ribbons now have around 250-300 hours on them at a guess.
I had a friend round last weekend who owns MBLs as detailed above - and after this activity he was really positive about them for the reasons identified above - and the fact that for some bizarre reason, the odd upper mid colourations had all but disappeared. He stated I couldn't possibly go back to the older ribbons - which was what I was thinking too. However, we both knew they were still too bright.
The next day the restorer came and we changed one of the x-over inductors from 0.02mH to 0.06mH. Results? Absolute disaster. Sounded terrible. We then changed the inductor for another thicker gauge 0.06mH inductor. Result? Well - really extremely good. Sibilance back in check and sounding natural, and the brightness issue resolved too.
That two inductors can sound so different has been a real education to me. Though they are measurably different in terms of resistance. The one that is in there now is actually an original Apogee inductor.
The bottom line is I now have an excellent sounding pair of Duettas again. Better than before - without the loss of the positive aspects detailed above.
In short the performance bar of the Duetta Signature has been substantially raised by Graz's KLM5 ribbons and the new resistor packs, and I for one respect Graz enormously.
So we have something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue

Well, that thought keeps me smiling at any rate.
I suppose what everyone wants to know is do they sound better than Martin Logan's better efforts? Well, let's just say they do sound pretty damned excellent and leave it at that!