I have an onkyo 818. Why is it that when I added an Emotiva XPA 3 I hear no difference in sound quality? I have Electromotion ESL's.
Here are my thoughts on this.... I have heard many amps - I have directly A/B'd them as well. Differences are heard at low listening levels... and I think those differences are really about system synergy...what you can hear...sonic signature of the amp... Here are my opinions on several amps:
Sunfire: warm/smooth/big
Bryston: detailed/layered/powerful
Mac solid state: warm/bit more detail
Prima Luna: round/warm/bass defintely sounds different because of the tubes.
Rotel: seemed kind of flat to me - compared directly to Sunfire
Most AVRs that I have heard: a bit thin/not quite as full as any of the above (not to say there aren't good ones ...I just haven't heard them)
ARC solid state: seems very neutral to me...very layered soundstage.
This might vary from model to model -- but I am betting that we could all (or most of us making other points statistically irrelevant) probably come to some type of close analogy among us if in fact you have heard the models etc...
Personally, with my experience (I am not claiming a lot here...) .. I have yet to hear a jaw dropping...OMG...difference with an amp. Differences yes... presentation - yes... more preference than good vs bad if you will... But, I am suspecting that there are amps that would do that for me... I either just haven't heard them or don't have the wallet. The system synergy is going to determine what sounds the best for a particular amp. Some systems may need more detail... others may need warmth....some folks shoot for total neutrality...some speakers are so difficult to drive the amp could also become unstable...so another amp might be more suitable.
I never heard real differences in Pre-amps... but here was my experience:
Carver Pre to Sunfire Pre ... to me really sounded very close... I am not sure if I could have told the difference if I was blind folded...
Carver/Sunfire/Yamaha AVR used as a pre: again to me not anything that I am sure I could have told you ... hey that one is WAY worth it...
Then I got a Cary Slp98p pre-amp and my jaw literally hit the floor!!! The difference was staggering...soundstage deep and wide ...texture...blahblahblah...
So, my point is - just because you haven't heard differences -- don't jump to the conclusion that there ARE no differences in amps/pre-amps. People are not telling lies to justify their expenditures. As you see in my examples above - I had several amps and several pre-amps sound similar...others sounding different. I had not heard a different sounding pre-amp - up until several years ago... But, I did find it after 20+ years... and only then did I know what people were talking about when they were discussing the importance of the pre-amp in the chain. Amps are truly the same.
As far as your experience with Emotiva and your AVR -- again, maybe from a sonic signature standpoint - the two are close... I am pretty sure you bought it without hearing it since they are online? I wouldn't expect a huge difference between an onkyo and the xpa-3...haven't heard them - but the xpa series is their cheaper amp isn't it? I would expect a slight difference...and probably a difference you might discern if you a/b'd things as roberto was suggesting.... Worth the money? Only for you to decide that...