Actually, we decided to cover the fireplace, add a decorative table in front of it that can hold some nicknacks on a bottom shelf, and place a ML Motif on top of it! Now, I just need to find a used Motif for sale.
Edit: Just found and bought one on Audiogon!
Actually, we decided to cover the fireplace, add a decorative table in front of it that can hold some nicknacks on a bottom shelf, and place a ML Motif on top of it! Now, I just need to find a used Motif for sale.
Edit: Just found and bought one on Audiogon!
My Motif arrived today--the improvement over the Energy center speaker is staggering!
JonFo--my wife will NEVER go for acoustic absorption material in the living room! Until I win the lottery and have a custom home built with a dedicated audio/video room, I will have to make some small compromises.ML suggests at least 24" from the rear wall, and that is where mine are placed.
I am sort of in the same situation.
I am about to start my first theater room in the winter.
My setup so far is :
2 Motion 12s for fronts ($489.00) for the pair brand new
2 Motion 10s for rears ($238.00) for the pair brand new
2 Motion 10s for sides ($238.00) for the pair brand new
2 Dynamo 500s ($448.00) for the pair.
Things I don't have still is a center channel and a receiver.
Was thinking motion 8 or motion c. As far as receiver I am really clueless so anyone with
Some knowledge of what to look for would greatly appreciate it.
This will be a 7.2 system and my first set of martin Logan's I have ever owned
Thanks for the replays.
I was told going into the higher centers will give me a different sound from the other 2 fronts. This coming from my local hidef audio store.
... Also those receivers are double the price of what the shop recommended for me. They suggested a pioneer something I forgot the model number. I have until Nov dec until I finish the room so maybe prices will drop but should I invest more into amp or the center?
I planned on going atleast Motion C but are you saying its ok to even go higher then that? If so which models would you suggest.
And now I understand more fully on the subs. If that is the full reason maybe I should try to sell the dynamo 500s and get just 1 big sub. 1 is brand new in box and the other I just opened to look at it.
I'm sure the dynamos I have are not The best of the best but my room is not huge so thats why I took the route of having 2 for the great price I got them at. So therefore would the smarter route be Investing In 1 big sub and then not spending as much on the amp or spend the money on the amp and keep the subs?
Thanks guys I am just trying to get all this straight before the end of the year so I can complete my room.
I have all these speakers here and have not even taken them out of the box its killing me .