Which DAC - Music Hall-PS Audio’s -V-DAC- Cambridge Audio

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Feb 26, 2008
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I have a Krell 400xi, Yamaha CD changer, audioquest cables hooked up to ML Vantages. I am in need of a really good affordable Dac. Can anyone recommend one that works well with my current set-up?


Music Hall dac25.2 Digital-to-Analog Converter and Headphone Amp - $595 (Ilike the Headphone option)

Musical Fidelity V-DAC - 299

PS Audio’s Digital Link III - $699

Cambridge Audio DacMagic Digital-to-Analog Converter with USB, Black - $429
I have the PS Audio & noticed the difference immediately. This DAC was one of those purchases that triggered that immediate mental note of "hey, that does sound better...." {some purchases leave you with that questionable or hopeful feeling that you did the right thing?}

Also, the return policy at the time was excellent {try it and if you dont like it... return it}

* One minor issue - it has the 96 / 192 option but manual selectors {source is the same manual process}

Sometimes when you are seated/listening... it would be nice to switch without going to the rack and pushing buttons.

Best Regards
I have a Musical Fidelity and it's great, but I don't know how the budget V-DAC stacks up.

It was a close comparison with the Benchmark DAC-1 so have a listen to that as well. In the final analysis, it was probably more "accurate" and incisive, but in the end I preferred the MF's warmer presentation.
I had the Cambridge for a short while and loved it. Much better than the internal AVR DAC's. I purchased it on a whim and am now completely sold on DAC's.

Shortly thereafter, I decided to try the PS Audio and never looked back. It does what the CA does but with greater depth, dynamics and imaging.

With your setup, I'd definitely go the PAS Audio route over the CA.

Good luck!