Sorry for the delay on responding back about my day of demoes. First I want to make sure everyone knows I am not a reviewer or associated with any brand that I demoed. LOL So don't expect a Stereophile Column of Joy and Wonder. LOL I'm just a guy with no kids who spends all his money on Audio Gear.
First thing I did was double check the setup to make sure the speakers were away from the wall and the toe-in was set to the flashlight standard. Also I used my db meter for all of the demoes to make sure one setup wasn't playing louder then another. We tried to keep the music at 75-85db range depending on spikes in the track. After moving the toe-in with the flashlight the owner Dave even stated it sounded much better and was shocked that such little toe-out could change those speakers so drastically. You can see in the photos below how we changed the toe-in outwards over the blue tape on the floor. Also this was his first time hearing the 15A's and he did enjoy them.
So we began with the setup I have with the only caveat being the SME 20 and Lyra Delos Cart and the Boulder 1108 phono which is still on its way into my system. So it was a bit of a teaser for me of where I will be and want to be with the SME upgrade possibly in the near future. The other difference was cables and the Weiss compared to the Holo May and Heimdal interconnects.
First Demo Setup: SME 20 -> ARC REF 6SE -> ARC REF 160S -> 15A's with cables being Nordost Valhalla except for Shunyata Sigma v2 speaker cables. These cables did not change throughout the entire demo. I listened for about an hour on this setup with a little streaming from the Weiss DAC501 and Roon. Power was Shunyata Denali 6000S w/ Sigma Power Cable. Same unit I had at home for demo before going with the Everest and Omega.
This setup sounded great and I was impressed with the SME but not so much on the Delos. And of course I liked this setup because it was almost like home. However my setup sounded a bit more detailed and the bass was punchier I think because of the Podiums, ARC Room Correction(
which we ensured was turned off on the 15A's before starting the demo), and Room Treatments I've added over the years. But clarity and detail was amazing as always from the setup. Soundstage is wide and it always makes me feel as if the music is on the same level and right in front of me like being in a Jazz Club kind of experience. No stage for the musicians to stand up on.
Second Demo Setup: Weiss DAC501 -> ARC REF 6SE -> Boulder 1161 -> 15A's with cables and everything else staying the same.
This was definitely a cleaner sounding amp and made the soundstage sound huge and lifted it up a little more then the 160S but not much. We listened to "Tin Pan Alley" by Stevie Ray Vaughan and he just sounded huge right in front of us. Same as the 160S but brighter and cleaner if that makes sense. Something with the Boulder equipment just makes everything clean and only the music is being played back at you. Photo below shows the size difference of how much smaller it is physically, but boy does it pack a bunch for its size. Before I went with the 160S this was a tie for me but shooting for synergy I went with the 160S in the end over the 1161. And of course the look of those Ghost Meters and glowing tubes had something to do with it! LOL
Third Demo Setup: Weiss DAC501 -> ARC REF 6SE -> Dan D'Agostino Momentum S250 MxV -> 15A's with cables and everything else staying the same.
As seen below this was a lot smaller but it definitely didn't perform like a smaller amp. Now I was expecting to be blown away when this one got connected. And yes it performed great but when I unmuted the REF 6SE for the first time and started to stream I was like "What is that very faint noise I hear"; almost like static? And the owner said that is the DanD signature sound. He stated DanD adds a bit of distortion to his amplifiers to give it a more Analog Sound. I was like really that sucks. LOL He kind of laughed and said about 80% of his customers like that and feel it gives the music a bit of analog/vinyl sound to the music when streaming. Definitely not my cup of tea and I can tell you the 15A's made that distortion apparent when listening. guess its the panels showing off how well they reproduce what it is given to them.
So the sound stage here was pushed back a little further then the ARC and Boulder but did sound great. Detail was just as good if not a little better but not enough to put up with that sound that just stuck out to me every time we switched tracks. One thing I noticed is that it seemed to be a bit quicker and punchier in the Mid's. Detail in the track Bubbles by Yosi Horikawa was amazing just like the others but I feel like I could image the type of ball Yosi dropped better with the ARC and Boulder. Like the detail was being smeared a bit by that distortion maybe? I think if I didn't have all 3 brands side by side for 4 hours I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference and would have loved the sound but not knowing I could have spent a lot less on the other amps.
Fourth Demo Setup: Weiss DAC501 -> ARC REF 6SE -> Boulder 2160 -> 15A's with cables and everything else staying the same.
Now this amp does have its own power cord they produce and provide so that did change. This is not the unit with the 32A IEC connector but with a standard 20amp.
First thing is The Boulder 2160 Stereo Amp is just amazing. It took both of us lifting it into place out in from of the others. The size of this thing at 220 lbs and over two feet long and is just amazing. The metal work is amazing and the construction is just as spectacular. Yah its not as flashy as the DanD or maybe as cool as the Ghost Meters and glowing tubes but; with it just sitting there in all its huge glory; it demands respect regardless of looks.
Once hooked up I put it through my normal songs and boy was I blown away. This thing outperformed the DanD and ARC by a lot. It definitely transformed the 15A's and made them sound better.
The detail in Bubbles was astonishing. The image it painted for me of each ball being dropped was just spectacular. You could tell what ball type each one was when it was dropped and where in the soundstage it was dropped. This was much more than the DanD and ARC.
With the Acoustic Live version of "Keith Don't Go" and Fink's track "Trouble's What You're In' Live; the Soundstage came back down to the floor level and more up front like the ARC over the DanD. Again right in front like at a small Jazz Club but with huge soundstage and imaging. The soundstage was a complete 180 degrees or more surrounding me almost like surround sound.
In the track "Blown Away" by Sivert Hoyem the amp had the 15A's making the room sound like a concert hall or warehouse. Crazy! The Bass was now much deeper and punchier over the others. And Dave was even shocked at the improvement so much we had to look up the specs on the 15A's again because he thought the powered Class D amps of the 15A's would be doing most of that and not really improve as much as it did with a larger watt amp; but boy did it.
In the track "Tin Pan Alley" when Stevie starts singing about the woman he found screaming. The guitar was literally hitting me in my chest. And when he sings about hearing the pistol at around 5:10 and the pistol being a 44. Holy $hit did I feel that music deep in my chest when he strikes the strings and the drum hits. This amp by far was the best amp I had heard all day and I was very, very, impressed. Again we were both shocked at how the midrange tone was so pure and clean compared to the others. If I had the coin I would have put the order in that day for the 2160.
After enjoying the 2160 and 15A's for about an hour just playing tracks from my Playlist Dave did ask if I wanted to now hear the Wilson Sasha DAW's he had sitting beside the 15A's. Now him and his brother both know my wife got me the 15A's and love that story and would never try and sell me Wislon's. But he did want me to compare them because he didn't know when I would ever have the chance to do it again with the 15A's being in the store.
So we moved the 15A's and hooked up the Sasha DAW's to the Boulder. Now at about $38k for a pair I was expecting the Sasha's to sound better with almost an extra $10k price point over the Logan's. Was I impressed; Yes very much so. Will I be getting rid of my 15A's; No, not anytime soon. Maybe in 5 years or so I may consider jumping into the Wilson line because they did have a more clean midrange and lower end compared to the 15A's. And the detail I get from the 15A's was there with the Wilson's as well. But for now I will stick with my Logan's and enjoy the music they produce. Also I have to upgrade my TT first and possibly get the 2160 into my setup.

Once I find my end game components I can consider upgrading my speakers.
Also for everyone wanting to know how the 15A's sounded with the ARC i50 and the McIntosh tubes; sorry but I got wrapped up in listening to the 15A's with the 2160 and completely forgot after I was lost in the music. I might make another trip back up this weekend to have a listen again and try out the i50 and a McIntosh. I'll let the thread know once I reach out and ask about their schedule this weekend and what they have in stock. Plus I'd like to compare the 15A's to the Alexia 2's they have there as well.