back to it.
Back to the thread. Been sick and got grabbed by "the thread which will have no name". First off - Rich, you and J and more than welcome any time. I still have no guest room, but if we put the crib into the laundry room, the double in his room is available. No really - it's not as bad as it sounds, for him or the guests
Back to the room.
I've been thinking that I could either put the TT in the center of the riser, kind of like a small table, but so that it does not get in the way of the two seating configs, it needs to be up against the wall
There is an external door at the back left of the room that make TT placement hard. The inside door has two potential locations - either right beside a chair in the theatre mode (make that the chair for the person with the smallest bladder) or the door is in the back right corner of the room - but that gets in the way of any turntable location there.
I'm also really hesitant to put the turntable in the corner as the bass nodes will no doubt create rumble feedback.
between the two potential doors there is a supporting wall that cannot be touched, it holds up two stories of house.
So, back to the riser in front of the rack. Looking at the swings for the rack doors, they are going to hit the turntable, so we have two solutions:
- the rack needs to be above the turntable, or about 38" from the floor for ease of turntable use (using a height of 30" or so for the turntable shelf). That limits the rack space that I have.
- I put the turntable inside the rack, giving it a foot or more of air space above the platter for breathing room. But I am still concerned about boxing in the turntable on both sides and the back.
It is worse to have the turntable stuffed into a corner or put into an enclosed rack?