Todd, you learn something new everyday. I had never before heard of the term "Trio Sonata". How does it differ from a trio? Is it somewhat like a concertante, except without orchestra?
From the interwebs: A trio sonata is written for two solo melodic instruments and basso continuo, making three parts in all, hence the name trio sonata.
Do you have Mozart's "Sinfonia Concertante"? A very nice piece of music.
I own
this Sony release but the SQ leaves a bit to be desired. Do you have any recommendations for excellent SQ and performance?
Oh, are those trios so sinfully good that you have to beg forgiveness?
It's too late. Damnation awaits.
Do you still spin CD's, or are all of them on your Olive?
It's funny you should ask. For a while there it was all-Olive all-the-time, but the source pendulum has swung back a bit and I find myself at about 50/50 now between the Olive and the oppo. This is because I've been putting more time in with SACDs lately and since the Oppo doesn't support DSD, my only option is to deal with the incredibly laborious torture involved with physically having to find-disc/load-disc/press-play. whew! I'm getting winded just thinking about it (though that could be last night's chili).
I envy you the Olive as I imagine that you explore stuff that you had forgotten you have. Any plans to upgrade to the 06?
The iPhone user interface for the Olive is so good that it has literally spoiled me. And yes, I was listening to some Meyerbeer the other day that, if it weren't for the Olive, I NEVER would have thought to select.
Do you have any plans to acquire a music server? (not sure if you have one?) - It will do strange and wonderful things to your listening habits - guaranteed.
NO plans to upgrade to the 06HD. I hate it's aesthetics. Hate. No, wait, it's more severe than hate. Loathing and disdain come to mind, but no, those don't really capture the deep seated revulsion either.... hmmmm.... I'm gonna go with
toxic repugnancy. That's still not really capturing the true level of utter bitterness I feel toward that visual abomination, but it's literally staining my soul to give it any more thought.
That out of the way, the W4S DAC2 has arguably as good, if not better sonics anyway than the analog out of the (wretched) 06HD - so 04HD+DAC2 sings triumphant (for now).