What Martin Logan speakers are produced in Canada?

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Interesting turn of events, in challenging times where are tiny precious world is now topsy-turvy... cannot think how anyone or anything is going to make positive progress. Even the Aliens out there, really don't want to have anything to do with our Earth, it's gone completely bonkers!

That was a discussion based on a segment here Down unda, called Q&A. In fact, I'm just watching it right now as I'm typing this post. There's another highly intellectual chap who's well respected, amongst educated folks... Tom Baldwin. He just made these two comments:
1. Narcissistic Attention Junkie- Elon Musk
2. Chaos monkey- Trump

Now, I know these are quite flat harsh labels but when you actually consider all what's going on, most of us over here are actually looking at this from a different perspective. The Trumpster also slammed 25% tariffs on us just today, regardless of the famous phone convo he had personally with our PM Albo. So even though an exemption was to be considered, the Trumpster didn't give a rats A, he just went ahead and dumped that tariff. He also now has slammed Canada with 50% ! That's a massive hit in the guts.

Apart from that, sadly the US is heading into a big mountain collision of a recession, there's no denying it. So, leading back to those labels of Narcissistic attention Junkie and chaos monkey, seems to be quite accurate in most people's minds.

I'm not really sure what to think, simply because like I said, it's a topsy-turvy world now. One thing though, I definitely believe in, is that ML should have never relocated production, they should have kept production in the USA, just like McIntosh did, regardless. And another thing, all this craziness that's going on, whether good or bad or totally ridiculous... I just can't be bothered. My time in this world is limited, so might as well just enjoy what we've got! Look after our loved ones to the best of our ability, look after your health, which is most important! And most of all, enjoy those fine tunes!

Cheers, and a big healthy WOOF! To all.
The current craziness caused by the Orange buffoon in the White House and his chainsaw wielding idiot, are not helping the world nor the USA. As you can see Elon is loosing the battle in his Tesla empire.

Setting up stupid tariffs will not help or protect the USA.

This will have a direct impact on all USA HiFi companies and reciprocal tariffs pop up killing companies that are exporting products outside the USA.

So back to HiFi and things ML, I have a sick pair of SL3, where on panel needs replacing, coupled with a very sick Krell power amplifier (KSA-250) that literally exploded after 30 years.

Based over here in the UK how am
I going to get them fixed :-(
Attn: Mark E
Now that's a real bummer. Having both stat speakers and power amplifier down, in need of repairs. I was talking with our ML importer here in Aus, and according to them, replacement stat panels are going to cost a bloody fortune! Let alone other parts required for ML stats to sound upto full spec.

So, I would suggest getting in contact with your ML importer / authorised dealer and just check if they could be of any help. Worth a shot just in case, you never know. Otherwise you'll have to get hold of someone who has the required skills to refurb stats, of course getting those parts directly from ML if need be. This is going to cost you a fair pretty penny. Regarding the Krell amp, that also depends on skilled techies, parts availability and what's out there in terms of affordability to fix. So all depends on your finances and how much you're willing to spend.

Just as an example, I've said this many times on various posts that there's no other speaker system I'd rather own, other than the CLX Art's! Having said that, judging from the way things are going and the two pilots on deck (one a Narcissistic attention Junkie & the other a chaos monkey), I'm not going to engage in several thousands of dollars to keep my CLX's going. If that happens where they just die out and can't be fixed, I will end up with a beautiful pair of Apogee's Duetta Sigs. We have our very own Apogee Specialist up state in Qld, Graz. He's well known and well respected in his refurb design of all things Apogee's. Once being a former owner of Apogee Diva's, I know and appreciate their beauty.

I was thinking at one point that this time may come .. and the Trumpster has arrived! All hell just broke loose! Brace for impact maties, this one's not a soft landing.

I truly hope you can get your gear fixed and enjoy those fine tunes in no time. Krell and ML stats are a fine combination! I first experienced this way back in a galaxy far away... during my undergrad years in Chicago. The moment I heard that combination with a Krell integrated driving SL3's, I knew straight away what I wanted. The rest is history!

Cheers matey, hope you find the right solution to enjoy some music.
tariffs, by their very nature, are political. Anyone who says otherwise is either being disingenuous or ignorant. The hard work that is being done to disparage and limit our education system is not accidental. Who was it that said "I love the poorly educated" during a victory speech after the Nevada caucuses in 2016? Maybe check out a non-partisan, not-for-profit news source once in a while rather than getting your info from tiktok, facebook, or your dumb uncle.