Well-known member
Not that we ever argued over it, but before I got married, I told my wife to be that she can do anything she wants to any room but one room. That would be the living room, where the stereo system would be.
I was just wondering what your WAF/HAF swith your significant other?
I understand that you are living with someone else and you need to share space and therefore you may need to compromise on decorating and placing things in your home.
But I don't understand it when I read on forums things like: "I NEED to ask my wife if i can buy X Y Z" or "She won't LET me buy this or that" OK, I can understand if she isn't pulling in a source of income but instead is being a stay at home wife who cooks and cleans and raises the kids and/or if you you can bearly make ends meet or you're in some kind of financial situation. But if both of you have a decent source of income and you know how to budget your money, I don't see the need to get "approval". You should be able to figure out a way to do a his/her/our split savings with your monies so that you each can do whatever you want with "his" (for you only) and a "hers" (for her only) share.
Anywho, you can vote, but pease ONLY vote if you are married But feel free to post a reply even if you're not.
I was just wondering what your WAF/HAF swith your significant other?
I understand that you are living with someone else and you need to share space and therefore you may need to compromise on decorating and placing things in your home.
But I don't understand it when I read on forums things like: "I NEED to ask my wife if i can buy X Y Z" or "She won't LET me buy this or that" OK, I can understand if she isn't pulling in a source of income but instead is being a stay at home wife who cooks and cleans and raises the kids and/or if you you can bearly make ends meet or you're in some kind of financial situation. But if both of you have a decent source of income and you know how to budget your money, I don't see the need to get "approval". You should be able to figure out a way to do a his/her/our split savings with your monies so that you each can do whatever you want with "his" (for you only) and a "hers" (for her only) share.
Anywho, you can vote, but pease ONLY vote if you are married But feel free to post a reply even if you're not.