It's not in the best possible taste - I did warn you.
Anyway, why is she brown?
Because William Shatner.:ROFL:
...where no man has gone before...
It's not in the best possible taste - I did warn you.
Anyway, why is she brown?
Because William Shatner.:ROFL:
I, for one, would love to hear Steve's analogue based system.
One of these days my friend.
My god Steve. I had one on demo for a week or two. I and a friend really didn't like it at all. Which REALLY annoyed me. I loved the looks and build quality. But his Opera Mini Droplet trashed it for sound quality. Even my old Tri-Vista SACD bettered it.
I really couldn't see how they could sell them at the price with that level of SQ. I reckon they MUST have changed it. I had one of the very first ones of the production line. It was dull, lifeless and totally uninvolving.
Very definitely an off-colour joke ......... In bad taste. But then, you did warn me!It's not in the best possible taste - I did warn you.
Anyway, why is she brown?
Because William Shatner.:ROFL:
Hi Justin, meitner is same price as lampi 4, but without a pre amp. The lampi 5 with duelund caps is much better than the 4, and for 500 additional you can get native dsd
I have the mdac and it sounds pretty nice, however, my Audio Aero Capitole mkii CD player, which has a 24/192 dac with tube output makes my mdac sound thin and lacking air between instruments.... sometimes bright and a bit harsh, depending on the recording... And the AudioAero is ten years old!
From the AudioAero specs:
¨Our exclusive STARS process (Solution for Time Abstraction Re Sampling), a combination of very high speed 192 kHz RE-sampling (a new jitter free clock is created), a 24 bit re-quantization and signal enhancement technique (extraction of "hidden" information from 16 bit data, improvement of dynamic, precision, soundstage, and details), developed for Audio Aero by Swiss company Anagram Technologies SA. The core of the system is a 32-bit SHARC DSP, which, by performing hundred millions of calculations per second, rebuilds a high precision 24/192 Hz signal, independent from the input clock, and keeping total dynamic range in all stages. Then, after a 1024 times up-sampling on demand, D/A conversion is performed at 6.144 MHz by a high performance 24 bit/192 kHz DAC. Analogue output stage features sub-miniature tubes and high precision buffer with built-in high quality volume control for a perfect match between high-tech digital treatment and musicality¨
Regardless, the mdac is great within it´s price point![]()
The Meitner I heard was the one just below 5k - think it's the MA-1. The Lampi 5 is also better coz of the power supply. And I liked th EC82 valves on both better than the EC40