Background : My current turntable (Raven One) partnered with a Graham Phantom II, cannot be used without a mat for VTA accessibility reasons, hence the present incumbent, a Ringmat “Gold Spot” plus 1mm latex base layer…
(The platter needs at least 2mm elevation to bring it in range of this tonearm)
Having heard that Acryl/Vinyl mats, when applied to plastic composition platters, “tend to make little or no difference” (Quoth one reviewer), and that the Achromat recently won a Review shootout against “all comers”, I decided that this was an ideal opportunity to test whether it’s time to go “matless” with the Phantom by trialling the 5mm Achromat as an interface.
For those unfamiliar with the Achromat it is a vinyl mat which has a cellular internal structure (claimed to dissipate resonance) making it a more lightweight proposition than a solid mat.
In view of the cheap packaging used by Funk Firm I was initially concerned the mat might be bent or warped on delivery. I needn’t have worried. It was as geometrically flat as one could wish. The fit on the platter was so good that the Achromat looked as if it has been bonded to the surface!
In terms of manufacturing quality the product looks very good indeed.
Please note the manufacturer also supplies 3 pads of double-sided tape for fixing it. (However, given the obvious rigidity of the Achromat such a move would introduce an air gap between mat & platter, not to mention the compliance of the tape, meaning that it would lose its property of being a substantially “damped” platter mat.
(It should be mentioned that some users liberally plaster the mat with Vaseline or adhesive to bond it evenly to platter but this is highly inadvisable when it is, as yet, un-evaluated!)
So, to the appraisal. With its micropoise on-board spirit level the Phantom is capable of setting up identical VTA for each mat.
First the positives. What immediately struck me about the Achromat was the smoothness and cleanness of the sound. Don’t think I’ve ever heard the Raven sound this clean and smooth before. As with the Ringmat, the Achromat’s noise floor was impressively low and there was very little to choose between them but I felt the Achromat was a winner in this dept.
I didn’t recall any significant clicks or pops on any of the 6 LPs played. I could have played the same 6 on both mats and not remarked on any noise. The Achromat also appeared tuneful with a high degree of musicality.
In the L-R axis the Achromat was precise and imaged well (in 2D…)
Texturally, the mat wasn’t bad at all and there was a decent sense of bow on string, performers breathing etc.
Getting to the negatives, what was immediately obvious was that ambient detail – a sense of the venue - was posted missing and image depth was poor. The general effect was very “Front Row” operating just behind the speaker plane at realistic listening levels. With an earlier tonearm, I don’t recall the bare platter ever being as sterile of ambience as this. As a result, things on the stage were simply rendered and presented in an uncomplicated way. I’d go so far as to say that it made Martin Logan dipoles sound almost like front-firing speakers. Not a good effect depending on your allegiances.
Disappointment was beginning to supersede those initial good impressions and at this point I almost found myself reaching involuntarily for the Ringmat.
To compound the imaging issues, the Achromat’s bass presentation appeared poor on this type of platter i.e. at first it seemed as if there wasn’t any bass at all in near-field listening, until I realised that the metal surround on the fire was vibrating (!) so there was clearly bass present!
Retiring to the back wall, 7 yards away, revealed an amount of tuneful low bass. And something of a mid-bass hump. It would be cruel to suggest that the Achromat is guilty of being “one-note” because it isn’t.
The reference Ringmat’s bass on the other hand is generous and deep - but not bloated - by comparison and well targeted.
The Achromat’s lack of ambience and consequent flattened depth soundstaging is an interesting contrast in behaviours between the 2 but not unexpected given that one mat is mostly damped while the other is mostly undamped. I would analogise them to being similar to SS amps and Tube amps in this respect.
A less favourable comparison is to liken the Achromat as being more akin to CD listening.(Except perhaps I might have found myself preferring the CD!)
We are all different and there is no doubt in my mind that some listeners will prefer the Achromat presentation over any alternative.
One of my more idiosyncratic tests is the success with Shostakovich String Quartets (a poor rendition will make them a tedious exercise so the item must perform well enough that the listener feels he could play 15 of them in sequence and still be crying out for more) For the Achromat this test was positive but not emphatic. My earlier review of the Ringmat was much more glowing in this respect.
Realism and believability represented another stumbling block. Switching back to the Ringmat midway through a side illustrated the above points well.
Soprano plus piano accompaniment sounded controlled but bland coming from the Achromat. With the Ringmat it sounded like a breakthrough system improvement in detailing and imaging. Immediately the soundscape was presented in cinemascope and room exploded into life! The lower registers and sheer presence of the piano returned. Suddenly there was a pianist at the keyboard and you could hear the emotion and forcefulness in his playing as obviously as if you were watching him live.
The (mature) vocalist instead of merely offering a robotic performance was showing emotional content and effort/strain in her vocal inflections as she grappled with the stresses of each song. There was a greater feeling of realism and listening to a live event than a recorded one.
Not that the Achromat didn’t occasionally sound live or dynamic (dynamics were very good) with instruments and voices but the Ringmat presented a wealth of ambient information and microdetail which assailed the senses…
Although I expected both mats to sound different to a degree I was unprepared for the extreme nature of 2 completely opposing viewpoints.
Bottom line: if a hifi exhibition were running 2 identical systems featuring these 2 mats in adjacent rooms, I wouldn’t have given the Achromat more than a few moments of air time.
When one hears of Supertests in which Product X trashes the opposition then it’s natural to want to investigate. I’ve learned my lesson. The Ringmat is staying put for the foreseeable future and after this experience I consider myself cured of mat-related upgraditis

In conclusion, it appears that mats, like most other things, are a personal choice, and what might be peerless to a Reviewer, especially given the differences manifested here, may turn out to be abhorrent to you. If I had to, I could probably live with the Achromat but would most likely drop vinyl altogether and adopt CD as the primary source instead - but that’s just my opinion. It’s not that the Achromat doesn’t have its strengths or is not an admirable product, just that it contrives to lose the very things which make analogue special and distinctly preferable to 1s and 0s.
Disclaimer :
Please bear in mind that these are my results with my hardware and in no way damns other users with their setups.
Given my feelings on this subject it comes as no surprise that many LP12 users prefer to stick with their felt mats.
I never used to understand this tendency but I do now!
I approached the comparison with some enthusiasm because I believed that perhaps the Achromat could challenge the already excellent results I was getting from the “Reference” Ringmat. Unfortunately for the Achromat, the original setup was reinstated with the speed of a scalded cat.
Hope this info is of use to those with heavy plastic/composite platters….
Best regards….