Turn Tables ~ Around and Around We Go, Where We Stop Everyone Knows - At The Music...

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Yes, and lets not forget how usless the 'chrome' look is.....just like a stainless steel "frig" , shows every finger print and smudge mark !!

But you must consider that anyone with the scratch to buy a $14k TT probably has a VERY well-trained maid to clean, dust, and polish twice a week...

Here is his system. Not my favorite looking system.

He should be ashamed. Putting a suspended table on a stack of components is a CRIME. Never mind the fact that he is getting only 50-70% of the table's potential he needs a dedicated TT stand.. I would happily take it off his hands and give it a proper, dedicated home.
He should be ashamed. Putting a suspended table on a stack of components is a CRIME. Never mind the fact that he is getting only 50-70% of the table's potential he needs a dedicated TT stand.. I would happily take it off his hands and give it a proper, dedicated home.

Not cool!! I like to add lots of vibration to all my equipment. It make your stuff sound ever so sweet.
He should be ashamed. Putting a suspended table on a stack of components is a CRIME.

Unfortunately, being stupid is no longer illegal in most industrialized nations. If it were, about 50% of the general population would be in jail, and about 75% of the folks in the top income bracket would be in maximum security facilities, because of their egregious level of stupidity...

This system photo just proves my theory. Money and success does not buy intelligence or signify competence. In fact a good argument can be made, based on real-world observations, that the opposite is true--that monetary success is inversely proportionate to intelligence, as a general rule. Really smart, really rich people are actually the exception, not the rule. :think:

Cases in point: Nikolai Tesla died a relatively poor and obscure man and almost nobody knows who won the most recent Nobel Prize in Physics, but G.W. Bush is president of the USA and the Hilton sisters have shoes and jewelry worth more than the GNP of some third-world nations... :rolleyes:

He should be ashamed. Putting a suspended table on a stack of components is a CRIME.

There was someone who actually put his turntable on top of his subwoofer!!! When I pointed out to him that this was probably not the wisest choice, he went on to say that the sub did not vibrate (!!!), and that it was just fine there. Rather than start a big arguement, I simply ignored him, and let him continue to believe that the world is flat...

In fact a good argument can be made, based on real-world observations, that the opposite is true--that monetary success is inversely proportionate to intelligence, as a general rule. Really smart, really rich people are actually the exception, not the rule. :think:
When I was a repair tech for a home/commercial security company I met a lot of recently wealthy people. After so much exposure to this, like seeing a woman driving a new Mercedes S class argue with a clerk over a 12¢ error in the change she received (I gave her a quarter and told her to get the %^*@ out of the line :D), and so much pondering how these people were able to make money I've come to a conclusion. Being stupid means a reduced awareness in the risks of business and an increased awareness of the needs of the real source for making money in the consumer economy: stupid people. It certainly doesn't apply to all wealthy people, but it does at least explain rich idiots. It also emphasizes the main problem (as I see it) in the modern world: it's too difficult for stupid people to remove themselves from the gene pool. I am against safety warning labels and helmet laws. :)

As for the TT, so long as there are nice things in the world these things will be purchased by those that have no idea how or why they're nice, only that the magazine said so; and it costs more than Bubba's Technic next door.
It also emphasizes the main problem (as I see it) in the modern world: it's too difficult for stupid people to remove themselves from the gene pool. I am against safety warning labels and helmet laws.

ROFLMAO. :haha1:
Beware! To touch these wires is instant death. Anyone found doing so will be prosecuted.
Sign at Railroad Station

Cannot be made non-poisonous.
Windshield Wash Fluid

Caution: Do not use this hammer to strike any solid object.

Caution: Hot beverages are hot!
Coffee Cup

Caution: Never drive with the cover on your windshield
Automobile Windshield cover:

Caution: The contents of this bottle should not be fed to fish
Dog Shampoo

Choking hazard: This toy is a small ball.
Rubber Ball

Directions: Use like regular soap
Dial soap

Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals.
Swedish chain saw

Do not dangle the mouse by its cable or throw the mouse at co-workers.
SGI computer

Do not drive car or operate machinery.
Children's cough medicine

Do not eat toner.
Laser Printer Cartridge

Do not eat urinal cakes.
Rest Stop in Wisconsin

Do not light the flame near the face.
Cigarette Lighter

Do not look into laser with remaining eye.
Laser Pointer

Do not pour liquids into your television set.
Television Owner’s Manual

Do not put lit candles on phone.
Cordless Phone

Do not recharge, put in backwards, or use.

Do not turn upside down. (printed on bottom of the box)
Tesco's Tiramisu dessert

Do not use for drying pets.
Microwave Oven

Do not use intimately.

Do not use orally after using rectally.
Electronic Thermometer

Do not use orally.
Toilet Bowl Cleaning Brush

Fits one head.
Hotel Shower Cap

For external use only!
Curling Iron

For indoor or outdoor use only.
Christmas lights

For lifting purposes only
Car Jack

If swallowed or lodged in ear or nose see doctor.
Ray-O-Vac Renewal AA Batteries

If you are seated in an exit aisle and are unable to read this, please ask a stewardess to reseat you.
Cayman Airlines safety booklet

Instructional video on hooking up your VCR included.

Keep out of children.
Korean Kitchen Knives

Not dishwasher safe.
TV Remote Control

Not for human consumption.
Package of Dice

Not for weight control.
Breath Savers

Not to be used as a personal flotation device.
6x10 inch inflatable picture frame

Not to be used as protection from a tornado.
blanket from Taiwan

Not to be used for the other use.
Japanese food processor

Open packet and eat contents.
Pack of Peanuts

PARENT: Please exercise caution—mask and chest plate are not protective; cape does not enable wearer to fly.
Bat Man The Animated Series Armor Set

Peel fruit from cellophane before eating.
Fruit Roll-ups

Please store in the cold section of the refrigerator.

Product will be hot after heating.
Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding

Remember: Objects in mirror are actually behind you.
Bike Helmet Mirror

Remove used tampon before inserting a new one.
Tampax Tampons

Serving suggestion: Defrost.
Swann frozen dinners

Theft of this container is a crime.
Milk Crate

There shall be three (3) access levels with level 4 being the highest level.
Fire Alarm System

This camera only works when there is film inside.

This cape does not give the wearer the ability to fly.
Halloween Superman Costume

Insect Spray from New Zealand

Twist top off with hands. Throw top away. Do not put top in mouth.
Soft Drink

Use caution when using near fire, flame, or sparks.
Fireplace Lighter

USE EXTREME CAUTION when stretching cord over load. Keep face and other vulnerable body parts away from potential cord rebound path.
Bungee cord

Taiwanese shampoo

Warning - this spray is harmful to bees
Insect Spray

Warning! Never iron clothes on the body.
Rowenta Iron

Warning: contains nuts
Sainsbury's Peanuts

Warning: do not use if you have prostate problems.
Midol PMS

WARNING: Do not use in shower. Never use while sleeping.
Conair Pro Style 1600 hair dryer

Warning: Do not use on eyes.
Heated Seat Cushion

Warning: drug may cause sleepiness.
Sleeping Pill Prescription

Warning: Flame may cause fire.
Butane Lighter

Warning: has been found to cause cancer in laboratory mice.
Rat Poison

Warning: knives are sharp!
Sharpening Stone

Warning: may cause drowsiness.

Warning: May contain small parts.

WARNING: Not for use as earplugs.
Silly Putty

Warning: Pastry Filling May Be Hot When Heated.

Warning: Remove child before folding baby stroller.
Baby Stroller

Warning: This product can burn eyes
Curling Iron

You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.
But you must consider that anyone with the scratch to buy a $14k TT probably has a VERY well-trained maid to clean, dust, and polish twice a week...


I hope! My maid dusted my turntable and bent the cantilever on my Aurum Beta S cartridge! I got the company to reimburse me, but now I put the stylus protector on it whenever the maid comes over and put a sign right in front of it to not clean. In fact, I don't let her clean the system at all.
- Steve
I hope! My maid dusted my turntable and bent the cantilever on my Aurum Beta S cartridge! I got the company to reimburse me, but now I put the stylus protector on it whenever the maid comes over and put a sign right in front of it to not clean. In fact, I don't let her clean the system at all.
- Steve

Sounds to me like the maid deserves a proper spanking! :eek:
The only North American dealer for this table, so I'll post the information.

Avaliable at:
4997 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Phone: (734) 662-3595
Fax: (734) 662-7585


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I hope! My maid dusted my turntable and bent the cantilever on my Aurum Beta S cartridge! I got the company to reimburse me, but now I put the stylus protector on it whenever the maid comes over and put a sign right in front of it to not clean. In fact, I don't let her clean the system at all.
- Steve

2X that... Well, I can't be sure if it was her or if it was me! It was many years ago and so I bought a new Rega Exact and ALWAYS use the stylus guard on it now! I hot glued a twist tie from a bread bag to the plastic cover and when I put it on I just wrap the ends around the tone arm and it stays in place nicely and keeps the $600 cart safe! That was an expensive lesson!
Very interesting! Pretty dang expensive too! I wonder if it is old or new. It looks so good it could be brand new, but it sure does not follow the current style of TT's that you see coming out... More like stuff you would see in the '80's, not to mention that is when Nak was BIG!

Definitely from the late 80s, early 90s. The Dragon would swing out a little tonearm into the leadout groove area and measure the eccentricity of the album. It would then offset the platter the correct amount thereby eliminating any wow caused by record eccentricity. Pitches were absolutely, perfectly stable, as was imaging.
Definitely from the late 80s, early 90s. The Dragon would swing out a little tonearm into the leadout groove area and measure the eccentricity of the album. It would then offset the platter the correct amount thereby eliminating any wow caused by record eccentricity. Pitches were absolutely, perfectly stable, as was imaging.

Risabet, thanks for the history lesson, I knew you would know all about it! Very cool info! That is something. Did Nak call all their top products Dragon? I remember a cassette deck that was called the Dragon too and it was really something... Or maybe I am just confused again.