Test Results
I did a test today, comparing the Ana Caram "Rio After Dark" LP, CD, and the CD copy I made from the LP, which is what I said I would do.
I started by cleaning the LP on my VPI HW 16.5, checked that the TT was level, and that the cartridge force was correct. I wanted to hear the CD transfer as recorded on the Marantz itself without any further software processing on my laptop, so I manually split the tracks while recording, for easy access. Since I did not run it through any delousing software, all the clicks and pops were there in all their glory. I have not yet decided which declicker and depooper I will use. The CDs were played through my PrimaLuna CDP.
I listened to one track ("Viola Fora De Moda"). It has a range of sounds, from high bells, to rainforest sounds, to kickdrum, to vocals. My observations were made with eyes wide open; anyone looking for double-blind test results should poke themselves in the eye (both eyes) then come over for a listen
Here are my observations:
The LP won hands-down. It sounded very much better than the CDs. It was very open and live. By comparison the CDs sounded constricted; they were missing the sparkle I got with the LP. The highs on the bells were missing on the CDs, and I was surprised that the kickdrum was also better on the LP; the bass foundation seemed to be missing on the CDs. Of the two CDs I preferred the one I transferred over the Chesky CD as the Chesky seemed more constricted and closed-in than the transfer. It may be a question here that my Koetsu is what is influencing my preference - it's hard to suppress something voluptuous

. There was one phenomenon on the transfer, though. that seemed unusual - on a couple of occasions it almost sounded like the overtones on the bells were removed; but, it did not do this all the time. I did ensure that at no time did the recording level go over the 0 dB mark.
Those are my initial impressions. I will report back here as I spend more time recording as well as playing with the sanitizing software.