I don't know. I don't think this election will change how anyone felt over a year ago. The 'angries' are out there and always will be. Quite frankly over the past two years I thought we were headed for huge race riots with politicians not interested in calming the masses - but pushing whatever agenda they saw fit without regard to the health of the masses. Saying things like 'police should be wearing body cameras so we can see what really happened ' is a slick way to say 'the police are lying'. This incites anger and people react to it against law enforcement.
So going forward there will be anger as there has been. But not from this election. I think Hillary will win and probably will be battling some charge or another of impropriety at some point. And the only real losers here are Bernie Sanders and us. Even if you are a trump supporter - I just gotta believe he has alienated way too many people. If you are a Hillary supporter and believe the only reason the world is not perfect is because of those damn republicans then god bless you. Well almost time to get out the popcorn. I'm gonna go vote. I have no horse in this race. Sure I have biases but at least can recognize them.