former MLO owner/operator
both sides are reaching to the bottom of the barrel to try and sway and/or confuse people at the last minute.. It really is disgusting on both parties... Can't wait till it's over.
Touché! I never expected that responsewhy of course Bernard, that's why I married one !
Would someone please explain to me why Supreme Court Justices are left-leaning or right-leaning. I always thought that judges, despite being human, had to be impartial (call me naive).
Would someone please explain to me why Supreme Court Justices are left-leaning or right-leaning. I always thought that judges, despite being human, had to be impartial (call me naive).
That would be one of the many great ironies of this election if you are correct. Bummer Mitchie.
Reminds me of one of my favorite phrases.
Be careful what you ask for, you might get it.
I have heard this over and over again. Fix Obamacare? No that might actually allow it to work and we can't have that! We need to waste time giving the appearance that we want to repeal Obamacare even though we know it will be veto'd so it is a futile effort. We could do work that helped this country, but it is more important to be obstructionists and make people suffer.
Not a single republican voted for it. Scott Brown won Ted Kennedy's senate seat in very liberal Massachusetts, and his whole platform was mainly built around being the vote necessary to block its passage. Polls at the time showed the majority of the American public opposed the law. But still the democrats forced it's passage through after twisting the arms of a couple of their own members as well as using reconciliation to get around the fact that they didn't have the number of votes needed.
Many, myself included on this site, said from the beginning that it was bound to cost way more that we were being told. But still we had a president telling us that the typical family would see $2500 in savings as a result of the law, and people could keep their doctors and insurance plans if they liked them--------- period. And yes, the republicans tried to prevent this mess through many attempts to repeal it. But after all this, the republicans are being blamed for not helping to help "fix Obamacare"?
One of the principal challenges, assuming the ACA is repealed, is what to do with the 12.7 million people who currently have health insurance as a result of the ACA.
Wake TFU people! I stand behind Comey doing what he feels is right, he's showing some integrity where it has been sorely lacking lately, the FBI is our last chance at a truism in all this BS, obviously, the Justice Dept has been bought and sold...Lynch is laughing her big ass off right now, knowing she just might skate by on this one...
Many of us are really and truly ****ed off right now..
I know you are excited about the possibility of a smoking gun to finally put Hillary in jail, but please try to avoid regurgitating rumors until we get some actual facts. Like most "bombshells" about Hillary, this is likely to turn out as much ado over nothing.
In light of Comeys clarification today, rest assured many folks who support HRC are REALLY pi$$ed off now.
Two thoughts:
1) How does this impact the Congressional elections?
2) If Trump wins, how can he (or his supporters) legitimately say that Comeys intrusion into the election did not impact the results?
It's very clear what I am asking. Sorry you don't want to or can't understand.
It's really quite simple.
If you believe DT when he says the system is rigged, I can't help you with that.
I refuse to accept paranoia or conspiracy theories as a defensible nexus for the results of this election.
It appears you do.
Thank goodness it will all be over soon.