This is what happens when you take this hobby waaayyy too far!

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The guy is really odd.... weird.... and just plain weird. He works and works, not to accomplish anything BUT to buy more ERS paper and more Valhallas.. that's it.

And the best part!??!?!

His entire collection is MP3 at 192kbps! Talk about a waste! I confronted him about this and his reasoning was that his system is so good that MP3 sound so good and that he doesn't feel like he needs to spend money in getting a CD of the album.

Wow. He really has gone off the deep end. A lossy recording sounds "so good" that he doesn't need to replace the MISSING information? Sounds a heck of a lot like psychosomatics to me (I HOPE this is not the case with my sub and arrays). You could probably play pink noise through his system, and the guy would be in bliss.
Forgive me, but rather than laugh at or ridicule this guy who is in some obvious need; I would wish one of his friends or someone who knows who he is might be encouraged to extend a helping hand.

Holding the ERS paper in place while he solders? :devil:
This is what happens when you take this hobby

Joey, thank you for trying, (step one: do no harm). I hope his state may change and there is intervention. Best of luck to you and your career
Wow. He really has gone off the deep end. A lossy recording sounds "so good" that he doesn't need to replace the MISSING information? Sounds a heck of a lot like psychosomatics to me (I HOPE this is not the case with my sub and arrays). You could probably play pink noise through his system, and the guy would be in bliss.

Maybe all the measures are done to reconstruct the missing parts ... by picking up stray radio signals. Boosts MP3 to 120% of original signal :devil: Maybe he deserves a Nobel prize instead of his harsh criticism.
Joey, thank you for trying, (step one: do no harm). I hope his state may change and there is intervention. Best of luck to you and your career

It's tough to get through to someone who is as ingrained in this extreme of tweakage.... several times I have to impart that maybe it's not the best idea to spend way too much time with this stuff or it's not the best idea to spend absurd amounts of money just to cut it up and self-doctor the components. I told him to actually get some help if possible.

Can't do anything more.

I think this whole situation is actually ego-syntonic to him.
I Hope This Guy Gets Help As Well...

Forgive me, but rather than laugh at or ridicule this guy who is in some obvious need; I would wish one of his friends or someone who knows who he is might be encouraged to extend a helping hand.

As long as that helping hand is filled with plenty of Thorazine, he'll be fine. Just kidding... :D

Their as soooo many un-treated mentally disabled folks that just go un-treated and un-served, beacuse they are deemed not to pose a danger to themselves or others, except for when they do... Sadly, California has crimialized people with mentally disablities, which is very disturbing. I do hope this guy gets some real help, before he does something, which is really dangerous to himself or others, as then he will be locked-up, for being criminally mentally disabled. IMHO, prison or jail is the worst theraputic mielu environment for treating persons with serious mental disabilities...

Sorry for the rant. But how we have changed our treatment(?) of the mentally disabled in California really gets under my skin... :(

to be quite serious: if the guy knows what he does, he should do it if he has the money (and the know-how plus the guts). Trying to improve the sound of one's components is a noble effort. Not that the components cannot sound any better as they arrive from the shop. Just ask any of the modders out there and our members having the modded gear.
This guy only seems to use the expensive gear & cables, that's all. No blame. Maybe if I had that money I would do the same. And yes, I do tweak my (*way* cheaper than his) components without any fear for the component or surroundings (being an engineer myself) - most of the time with considerable success. Voiding the warranty on the component was never a problem when I could afford it, and the returns were always positive.

I believe there are some more tweaking-prone members of our community out there ... so I don't really think that he's sick. Probably just very rich and curious.

to be quite serious: if the guy knows what he does, he should do it if he has the money (and the know-how plus the guts). Trying to improve the sound of one's components is a noble effort. Not that the components cannot sound any better as they arrive from the shop. Just ask any of the modders out there and our members having the modded gear.
This guy only seems to use the expensive gear & cables, that's all. No blame. Maybe if I had that money I would do the same. And yes, I do tweak my (*way* cheaper than his) components without any fear for the component or surroundings (being an engineer myself) - most of the time with considerable success. Voiding the warranty on the component was never a problem when I could afford it, and the returns were always positive.

I believe there are some more tweaking-prone members of our community out there ... so I don't really think that he's sick. Probably just very rich and curious.
Actually, he's not rich... but I'll give you curious, according to headfi forums, another place I visit at times.

Patrick (his name) is a mid-20s guy who works for his system (as others work for their cars, no blame there), and mods his system albeit not an engineer.

What troubles most people about him is that he mods his system with such costly tweaks that arent proven for an MP3 collection, one which he feels is as good as lossless.

He always states, "My system is so good now that when I turn off my system... real life sounds fake."

Or something to that nature.

I'm not here to judge him, I'm just pointing out the extremes to which one can be sucked into.... just in fun, as I know most of us in this forum are take things easy and are pretty light-hearted about most things. :)
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Actually, he's not rich... but I'll give you curious, according to headfi forums, another place I visit at times.

Patrick (his name) is a mid-20s guy who works for his system (as others work for their cars, no blame there), and mods his system albeit not an engineer.

What troubles most people about him is that he mods his system with such costly tweaks that arent proven for an MP3 collection, one which he feels is as good as lossless.

He always states, "My system is so good now that when I turn off my system... real life sounds fake."

Or something to that nature.

I'm not here to judge him, I'm just pointing out the extremes to which one can be sucked into.... just in fun, as I know most of us in this forum are take things easy and are pretty light-hearted about most things. :)


if you decide to specialize ORL you could squeeze a lot of money out of the likes of him :D :D


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C'mon Miljac... Patrick is the personification of the "get a life" motto.
He fertilizes any available forum with his ERS paper tratment. Just ridiculous.
He really needs to get laid, pardon me the wording.

Huh. Never visited forums frequented by him :p (lucky me)
Just have consciously disregarded the MP3 part ....
the discussion must have touched my old tweaker nerve. No bad intentions. Really.
They stopped producing his meds, and it's getting worse any day now:

Thanks for the link. Have enough after 2 minutes. There is a nice German word for it: klugsch....
Sorry fellows, you *were* right. In my time I've seen some really sick freaks and this is just too much for my weak stomach. Therefore now I'll finish off my late evening beer enjoying some music ;) [and not thinking of Nordost & toilet paper - at least not combined :D :D ].
Wow, that's a serious case of Audiophilia nervosa!

Textbook even.

Not that guys like me would object to tweaking high-end gear, it's just some of us aproach it with objectivism and metrics as our guiding priciples.

I totally ROTFLMAO when I read the part about his MP3's as reference audio source ... :haha1:

I mean, I EAC rip to WAV and then UPSAMPLE to 16/88.2 before feeding the processor, and that's my baseline for audio in the theater :D
What makes me really sick is the fac that he arrived - upon independent pathways - to the same gear I have: PS Audio GCC, Benchmark DAC, etc.

But the sick part of it, something nobody seems to notice, is the fact that ERS Paper is conductive. He puts ERS paper into his gear !! it's like dropping random pieces of unisolated wire upon the circuits. Totally wrong !
But the sick part of it, something nobody seems to notice, is the fact that ERS Paper is conductive. He puts ERS paper into his gear !! it's like dropping random pieces of unisolated wire upon the circuits. Totally wrong !

Exactly.... this guy is moronic in his tweaks. We've warned him that he could burn his house down, much less his gear, but he digresses.

It looks like he should roll up that sh*t and smoke it!

(sorry, couldn't resist)