The new CLX is HERE - Exclusive Photos!!

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Thank you, I don't know how I missed that post. That looks like a large McIntosh amp driving them. ( Neil will be smiling sipping his wine tonight )

When you return can you tell us what equipment and cables are being used with them.
Now seeing the pic that Alan just posted it does have 2 panels. Maybe I will just scratch out most of my first reply.

I really like the looks seeing that picture. No more nose on the side of the face.
Ya, I figured that out only moments after posting. I think I'll just pour a glass of Merlot and listen music instead trying to evaluate the CLX any more.
OK - time difference here in Australia means I've just seen them.

I'm intrigued - ugly, yes, but I'm prepared to give them a go - I was also one that said that about the Summit.

But I can't understand the wood- I wasn't expecting that at all! That is ugly, and it also a bit pointless having an "airframe" with that around it.

Can't wait to hear them though.
Oh well I tried.
Well I have to admit it would probably take at least on MC275/channel to do justice to the bass panel. BTW, does anybody think the frequency range spec has a typo? It must go lower than 57Hz?! Especially after what miljac said about the sound . . . . . . .
Well, 57 Hz verified by asking & getting the answer. But take into account the room boost. Bass is not the deepest, but very dry, clean & fast. Did not expect that deep bass from a panel though. Remember, no cones around ...........
Oh, I get it . . . . .

Well, 57 Hz verified by asking & getting the answer. But take into account the room boost. Bass is not the deepest, but very dry, clean & fast. Did not expect that deep bass from a panel though. Remember, no cones around ...........
. . . . . . . this must be where the 'specially configured' Depth i comes in?

The CLS II is spec'd at 33 - 20,000 Hz. Of course you need excellent hearing and a stethoscope to hear the 33 Hz :D
. . . . . . . this must be where the 'specially configured' Depth i comes in?

The CLS II is spec'd at 33 - 20,000 Hz. Of course you need excellent hearing and a stethoscope to hear the 33 Hz :D

heh, I gues you would have to hear & judge for yourself. I would not complain about the lack of the bass. Actually did not miss any of it ....... must try with my material to judge that. But would buy into that easily. IMHO it's better to have less extension but 100% correct then otherwise ........
Big disappointment - so far we have limited bass extension, a crossover slap bang in the highly sensitive midrange, a design effort right up there with a high school woodwork shop, in Australia a cost that will approach $40,000 based on current ML pricing.......

Selling a speaker at this level is only partly based on listening impressions.Difficult sale based on specs and visual impact.

Our Monoliths are safe.


believe me I would very much like to think of my Ascents in this way. But somehow .... everyone has to judge by her/himself. I *do* like them very much.
Hi Miljac,

I have no doubt that the new speaker will in every way be superior to the Monoliths and I look forward to hearing them when they arrive in Australia.

At this stage the CLX does not represent good value. I realise there is often a dislocation between price and quality in the highend of audio and it seems on present information that ML has joined the ranks of marketers rather than offering their historically high value product.

Incidentally what is all this eco nonsense on the press release? You still ned a high power amplifier to drive the things. Do you really want your speakers biodegrading? Pure marketing drivel.

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At a rated 56 hz its probably more like 80 hz with 12 db down at 60. What a disappointment in my book there is NO sex appeal . I have a few images of what I though they should do but it was not that . :confused: Who in their right mind will pay $20 k for a mini monitor panel. When the Summit can do 24 hz and blend seamlessly. I will not be selling MY CLS any time soon.
Must admit when I first pulled up the picture I did not like it.
But then I saw post #50

Notice the curves on the wooden side on this design, now imagine adding another one just like it on the other side, would solve the symmetry issue and it wouldn't be so boxy looking, maybe even sexy.

Anyone good with Photo Shop that could give us an idea of what that might look like??
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. . . . . . . this must be where the 'specially configured' Depth i comes in?

The CLS II is spec'd at 33 - 20,000 Hz. Of course you need excellent hearing and a stethoscope to hear the 33 Hz :D

I am a classical musician.With a Chesky CD,I was able to hear down to 25 hz. on my CLSs and down to 20 hz. on my Wilson Cubs.Barely barely discernible but there.
What does THAT mean? JonFo, will you take a stab at this one?

Thanks in advance

They put that vertical fence (seen in the rear view) that delays the rear (bass) wave from coming around and meeting/cancelling the front wave.

NeilFo be right-O ;)

And it depends on the big mid to High-freq panel for that blocking on the other side.

Still, the limited low-end is a product of being a dipole.

In general, I'm not very excited about this design.

I'm sure it sounds good, but I would expect a bit more for that kind of money.

What's missing are more details on the DualForce ESL.
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