Thought I would let you know I have looked into upgrading My Champion to a Champion 2 (absent the 2nd plinth) This would include larger platter, motor riser and tonearm riser..............................$2500.00 What!!!!!
They told me the platter alone was $1800.00. Looks like I won't be doing this anytime soon. As a matter of fact the Needle Doc advised me to sell and look at another brand as the price of Clearaudio has gone through the roof.
BTW where is the TT in post #63
Doug - out
I like! Floor looks stunning! Everthing in that room seems to be working togather.
The only constant is change. We have sold our house and moved. Here is the livingroom rig in the new house.
This is just damn SEXY
its like looking at a perfectly figured woman, a classic car you just cleaned, or a harley youve been wanting for so long, damn sexy. Im very new at this, so I hope you dont mind coaching me a little here. 1st of are those amps on the floor? if so what kind? whats that on the 2nd shelf from the top? can this system be used for HT as well? thanks and wish i could hear what your setup sounds like (drool, slurp)