I received the 3.0 version of the Audyssey Pro, but before using it, I had a pending task: Upgrade the cabling for the speakers.
I had put in some large-gauge Monster cable (their high-end in 2000), but much of it was in my crawl space (as I don’t want cables all over the floor in the room).
I had some corrosion visible in the cable after 8 years down there (not plenum rated either), so I ordered some
Blue Jeans Cable speaker cable (Belden 5000 – 10 gauge for Panels, 12 gauge for woofers).
So, some 350’ of cable and 20 terminations later (including shrink-wraps and all that), I fired the rig back up. All worky fine :music:
But it took 7 friggin’ hours

my back hurts, I itch from the insulation and my fingers are raw. But ah, the pleasure of fresh cooper are great.
I know it made a difference, as the system is a tad bright now (less resistance, therefore more HF).
Sunday, I’ll run a new Audyssey Pro calibration on the Denon AVP after I update the firmware.
A cool feature of 3.x is it allows one to set target curves, ideal for tuning for my ML’s.
More on that tomorrow.