System #354 (Source, Feature, Encore TF)

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
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Member Name: John

Location: Baltimore, Maryland

ML Models
- Mains: Source
- Center: Feature
- Sides: Encore TF
- Rear: Encore TF

Year Purchased: 2010

Mods/Changes: None

Associated Electronics
- Subwoofer: DefTech ProSub 10
- AVR: Yamaha 663 w/iPod Dock
- Amp: Parasound 2125
- Blu-Ray/CD: Oppo 83
- TV: Samsung 8500 55"
- Stand: BDI
- Cabling:
. . . AudioQuest Type 4 speaker wire
. . . AudioQuest Carbon HDMI
. . . DH Labs Silver Sonic Air Matrix ICs

- Line Conditioner: Monster HDP 1800

Room Dimensions/Placement
- Room size: 14’ x 28’
- Distance to speakers: 13’
- Distance between speakers (inside): 7.5’
- Distance from front wall to speakers : 28.5” to 31” (toed in)
- Distance from side wall to speakers: 31”
- Distance to side speakers: 7'
- Distance to rear speakers: 13'

This is my modest attempt to enter the world of ML. As a 2-channel system, I find the sound to be amazing and as an HT system - well there is no reason to go back to the theater. And I now listen to much, much more music than I ever had in the past.

The placement of the main speakers has been a challenge (note the blue tape on the floor). I am still trying to find that "right" placement in my room. The small speakers on the wall were used as "presence" speakers which are no longer needed. As you you can tell, there are no wall treatments installed as of this time. I am playing with that as well.

Any suggestions are welcomed. This is a work in progress.


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John, that's a very nice looking setup. How far behind the listening position are the surround speakers? From the picture, it looks like they're really close and the front speakers are really far.
Did you use the flashlight method mentioned in the manual to set up the front speakers?
The front speakers are 13' from center listening position, the side speakers are about 2' behind and 7' from center and the rear speakers (not shown) are 13' from center. The flashlight technique was used to toe-in the speakers. I shot this with a 17mm lens which allowed me to capture much of the room. Wide angle lenses can throw off the prespective a bit.
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The front speakers are 13' from center listening position, the side speakers are about 2' behind and 7' from center and the rear speakers (not shown) are 13' from center. The flashlight technique was used to toe-in the speakers. I shot this with a 17mm lens which allowed me to capture much of the room. Wide angle lenses can throw off the prespective a bit.

I love the chairs and like how them encores hang on the wall ... does the encores have a metal grill and do the sound good with music ?

how does the dialogue sound through that yamaha on movies?

Have you tried the encore as a centre? does the encores run from the avr or the separate amp?
I love the chairs and like how them encores hang on the wall ... does the encores have a metal grill and do the sound good with music ?

how does the dialogue sound through that yamaha on movies?

Have you tried the encore as a centre? does the encores run from the avr or the separate amp?

I have never really used the Encores much for music - only as a temporary center and then as surrounds. At times, though, I do kick in 7.1 for music and find them to be very clear but a bit bright. When I first heard them and the Preface, I thought they blew away the Source - however, I was used to box speakers and didn't know the 'sweet spot' was so critical with electro-static speakers. Once I sat down and compared the two technologies again (ATF vs ESL), I understood what everyone was talking about.

The Encore grill is metal and the speakers are attached using a pivoting hanger that allows me to foucs the sound more towards the seating area.

In terms of the Yamaha on movies - I find that 'Feature' to be crystal clear and now my 88 year old mother-in-law can finally hear movies without blasting the house. I had first tested my DefTech CLR against the Encore using an A/B switch and found that the Encore did very well as a center providing a better higher end - however, it was not as well timbre matched with the Sources as I had wanted. I then tried the 'Feature' (a powered version of the Matinee) that uses the same technology as the Source (panel and paper cone) and, using an A/B switch, found that the sound was better matched and more natural - but at a cost of $1200 more! For me, I found the Encore to be a great speaker but the 'Feature' provided an almost seamless transition across the Sources.

Having the Sources running off of the Parasound Amp and the 'Feature' running from it's internal amp, the AVR only powers the four Encore surrounds.

This again is a slow (and expensive) process and I am adding/replacing pieces at a time (as the budget and wife allow). I had never intended to do any more than just replace two box speakers - and so it goes. Now I listen to music before and after my work day and look forward to Friday Night at the Movies (only this time it is at home).
John, thanks for re-doing your post and getting the pics corrected ! your HT set-up looks great !
Thats a beautiful set up. A very nice room. Is that theater seating from Sweden?
Thanks Ron - yes. This is the Stressless Ekornes Home Theater line that ships out of Sweden (took over 6 months). The head rests are adjustable and the arms act as storage and swing out to become tables. I especially like the lumbar support as you lean back and enjoy hours of great listening in pure comfort. This is probably the only piece I don't think we will be uprgrading for some time to come! (Luckly the sweet spot covers nearly the two center seats).
Nice setup John. Im interested on those pivoting hangers. What brand, where can I get them and how much? I have my encores set-up too high w/no choice and would like them to face downwards a little bit. I was also wondering if the lack of back wall in your seating area affected anything. My room is similarly set as yours and I noticed that alot of sound projected to the back of the room. Sometimes even more that my main listening area.
The speaker mounts are Peerless Universal Speaker Mount #811 - Speaker Brackets. I picked them up at Amazon for under $25ea. Also included in the kit is an extension tube that pushes them even further from the wall if so desired. (They will support up to 20lbs.)

So far, I have found the sound to be quite pleasing - but I really have no way of comparing it to a room with a closer rear wall. I will, however, start to play with some room treatments behind each main to see if a notice a real difference. As I mentioned in the measurements, I am about half-way between the front and rear walls and as I move my seating position back (out of the sweet spot), I find that sound is a bit degraded.

Since my main focus was for HT, the rear wall never really was a concern. I do see your point for music, however, and will have to pay closer attention. In the future, we plan to build a bar at the rear wall which will bring that point of reflection much closer to us.
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thanks. you've been very helpful. a bar would definitely add class to an already classy room.