System #286 (Sequels)

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Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando, Florida
Name -Jeff Matz

Orlando, Florida
Inherited in 2006
Mod: new stator panels in 2007
Amp: Rotel RB-1090
Pre: Accurus LSII
phono stage: Accurus P10
CD: California Audio Labs CL-15
Turntable: old Denon DP 37F
Cartridge: Benz Micro Silver


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the living room is only about 13' wide and the way the doors or positioned, i have to have the speakers wedged in there--too close the chairs and too close to the wall. so i'm sure in a better room they'd open up. still sounds great to me though.
As long as it sounds great to you that's all that matters. They would sound better if you had more room to play with, maybe someday - you never know.

I was touched by your story in the New Members section about how you came about your Sequel's. Very cool missive and some fond memories there for you. The Sequel's will always be special to me as well - they were my first Martin Logans too.

Welcome and enjoy the music.
room acoustics are a funny thing sometime what looks good does not sound good and sometime what may not look correct sounds great.glad to see you post pics of your system
yep. they sound good, but i can tell the soundstage could be bigger in a better room. but can still listen for hours to them.

and note the scotch in the foreground. ;)

thanks, Mitt. It seemed appropriate to share that story with this crew.

i've read several people comment that the low end isn't completely there on many MLs and they supplement with a sub. I was always impressed the low end on these speakers. it's deep and tight. some stuff pretty much shakes the house. some people say they don't 'rock' so well either. but put on Burn from NIN and crank it up. it'll peel yer face off! ha!
I think that low end talk is made up from competitors and people who have spent years listening to speakers with little mid range and no highs. my vista's I had with no powered drivers had excellent bass! just my opinion.chasing those little bits is where the crack in the egg begins lol
Welcome !! -- from a fellow Sequel and Acurus owner. Looks like your left speaker has a wicked case of "panel slippage". Gonna have to fix that ;).

you are correct, sir! and i've read about a few possible fixes here already. so, i'll be taking care of that soon.
Very nice. I to read your system history and it touching.
Welcome, fellow "original" Sequel owner!!! Love your system--it's uncluttered, straightforward, and I bet it sounds very nice.

Funny thing about your "panel slippage"--my Sequels started doing this about a year and a half ago, and it was JUSt the left one too. Wonder what's up with that?

I thought your story about how you came to own these speakers was very touching. Its tough to lose a good friend, but I can't think of a better way to preserve those memories than through the reminders provided by these great, classic speakers!

Welcome to the Club.
Welcome to the forum. I would try to get rid of the sofa between the speakers, (could you just have seating opposite the speakers only?) should give you improved imaging to start with. The system must be really special to you. The times that you spent with your friend listening must be memorable. Do you still have some of the recordings that you both listened to?
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since that's our living room, i don't think i could get away with getting rid of those chairs. maybe some day i'll have a dedicated room. now and then, when i have the opportunity, i'll remove the chairs and pull the speakers up from the wall and bring them a little closer together. imaging does improve.

And, yes, it's a great way to remember my dear friend. I keep thinking how much he'd love to hear them with the new panels, the 380 watts/side and the turntable!
Welcome. Great system. I have one thought for you. If you placed some absorptive acoustic panels behind the curtains, your soundstage and clarity would improve greatly. The curtains help, but they really don't absorb very far into the frequency spectrum. And in a small room, reflections are your biggest enemy. By placing them behind the curtains, they should be relatively invisible in your living room, which is always a plus. Just a thought.
great idea! they wouldn't be an eye sore there. i was wondering how much the curtains might be helping or hurting.

how much of that sound coming from the back of the panel do you want to absorb?