System #158 (Sequel)

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OK, here is the first pick of my gear in the new digs...

Well, actualy it's most of my gear in boxes, fresh off the truck, and the Krell driving my little Celestion-5's being fed by my laptop through the Airport Express (hey a guy has to have tunes to unpack with, after all...)

I'm going to unpack the Sequels tomorrow (Wednesday) because our little spider-monkey-on-meth kitten is going to the Vet tomorrow to get neutered and declawed, so his climbing days will be over...

Hopefully, I can get some pics of everything properly set up and post them here this coming weekend. I'll tell you what, even these little Celestions sound pretty darn good in this new room. I can't wait to get the Sequels unpacked and set up--time to REALLY rattle the windows!



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I just purchased a pair of Carver Silver 7t monoblocks from a guy on the Carver list I'm on. They should be here sometime around the middle of next week. Man, I can't wait to get them hooked up. I had a pair when I first got the Sequels and they sounded like heaven. Should sound even better now since I've got a much better pre and digital front end than I had back then...

Now I'm seriously thinking of upgrading the speaker cables too--maybe some Nordost Blue Heavens or Red Dawns. Anyone have any experience with these? I've heard and seen a LOT of nordost cables with Martin Logans at dealers and in personal systems, and they seem to be a great combo, and I LOVE my solat Winds, but I'm thinking that some shorter lines (my Solar Winds are 8 meters I think) might be better (and more practical) since I'm planning to put the Silver 7t's on the floor right next to the Sequels...

What do y'all think?

BTW, I'll be posting pics of the new setup next week after I get the Silver 7t's. I've finally got all the shelves fixed and all the components wired up, an I'm itching to share this system with you folks!

Funny thing is, I'm going to a big Carver owners meet the weekend of Sept 15 out in Western NC, and I'm taking about 2/3 of my system with me (leaving the Sequels at home of course!) but the amps, the Krell pre, and the Oppo/Benchmark are all going, as well as a BIG crate of cables. We're all going to bring different gear, and set it all up in our cabins (well, they are pretty posh cabins, with wireless internet, full kitchens, etc) and we're going to shake the windows for a whole weekend. Should be interesting. I'm thinking abou tbidding on a pair of Maggie MG-IC's on EBAY, because they are looking like they'll go really low, and they are actually on my way to this event, so I can pick them up on the drive out...

Wish me luck with everything!

Received the Silver7t's today, and spent the day looking for something that would suffice as stands, and looking for some RCA F-F connectors so I could make long runs for the preamp=monoblock cables...

Check out the head of this thread for new pics, and updated component list and description of tweeks...


Nice looking new setup! By the way, I just bought some OregonDV spikes for my Vantages, and they tightened the bass considerably!

About your question on the Nordosts. As you know of course, I had your Solar Wind speaker cables (they are 6m long, btw) before moving to the Blue Heavens. The Blue Heavens are more revealing overall in my system. There is not one characteristic that stands out between the SW and the BH, however, just more of everything. I should note that the only reason I changed was to get a shorter length. If not for that necessity, I'd probably still have the SWs in my setup. Incidentally, I had a SW center channel cable in my system until I re-arranged everything (report come soon). Now it is not long enough!

I recently tried Red Dawn ICs between my Benchmark DAC1 (yes, I made the plunge... the Oppo 970 never sounded better!) and my preamp. The RDs ICs are even more revealing than the BH ICs, almost to an annoying degree. I also found the bass to have less heft with the RDs. Haven't tried the RD speaker cables. Based on the IC comparison, though, I'm sticking with BH for both speaker and IC.

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Dreamer, just looking at all your boxes brings a wry smile to my face. I have moved so many times with my job, it's like second nature now. I always look forward to unpacking my gear and seeing how it sounds in a new place. Enjoy... ;)

P.S. I'm sorry you missed out on that LS25 MkII. Keep looking. A good one will come up. I am very happy with mine and I can highly recommend the purchase... :music:
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Speaker-climbing Cat--Revisited

Well, since we got his claws trimmed, our kitten Panteuf hasn't been climbing the Martin Logans any more. But we have bought some toys for him, and one of them is probably as entertaining for us as it is for him...

Here is a pic of Panteuf auditioning for the sequel to "Crouching Tiger, Flying Dragon"...


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Nice setup Richard!
Your Sequels looks great!

Want more pictures... ;)


Edit: Cool cat! :D
Well, I made it up to CarverFest '08 on Sunday, and was fortunate enough to meet Bob Carver in person. He was impressed with my little rig (Silver 7t's driving ML Scenarios, with Krell pre and Oppo/Benchmark digital front end.) and really seemed to like the sound of it.

Here are a few pics from CarverFest. The first is a pic of Bob signing my amps, and the second pic is Bob standing in front of my system, after he signed the amps and I put them back in the system. My gear is on the floor to his left...


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I have been reading all about Carverfest 08 on the Carveraudio forum. It is too bad I could not make it. I did send the front panel off of my A-500x to James to have Bob sign it. Did you get a chance to listen to the Lightstar Reference? One of the 2 lightstar was mine in the past. I sold it to James about 5 months ago. Looks like it was a blast.

More pictures of the Fest at the link below.
Well, we've gotten mostly moved in to the new digs, and I finally got my HT rig set up. I'm completely re-configuring my system, and splitting it into 2 seperete rigs--a HT setup with the Scenarios as front L/R, and a seperate 2-channel system in a different room that will feature my Sequels.

Here is the first pic of the new HT setup. When I get everything set up and dialed in with the 2-channel rig, I'll update my "front post" with revised equipment lists an better pics of both rigs.



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Finally got the upstairs "critical listening" 2-channel rig set up. Here is the first pic...


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