Senior Member
Current pics to outline recent changes. Naim 555 is back at the mothership for an update, should be back any day!
"Because their speakers are 4 ohm..."
I was intereted because the best sold state amps "double down."
Look forward to new pictures.
Some do, some don't. It rarely corresponds to the sound. Every designer has different a different perspective on how to design an output stage.
Does the 911 Double down?
I thought you just bought a Moscode amp...
I have no point. I am just seeking info.
"did you read our review on the CLX?..."
"...(but feels a touch "hollow" through the midband..."
I don't think you said that?
Any particular reason you are derailing Jeff's System Thread with extraneous questions about audio gear? You could use a P.M. or start a new thread to get your questions answered. It just seems rude to hijack someone's system thread for no particular reason, especially considering:
And, back on topic . . . Great system, Jeff. I can't wait to audition it and take a tour of your offices next time I am in Portland.