System #195 (Aeon i, Cinema i, Fresco, Dynamo)

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Jun 23, 2007
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Name: Mark Bergrin

Location: Chicago, IL

ML Models (year purchased): Aeon i (2004), Fresco (2005), Cinema i (2007), dynamo sub (2005)

Associated Electronics:
Display--Toshiba 52HM84 720p 52" DLP
DVD/CD--Denon DVD-2900
Pre/Pro--Denon AVR-3803
Amp--Sunfire SGA-7400
power--panamax M5500-EX, Monster power 2500 (dedicated 20A line)
Harmony 880 Remote (unfortunately)
Xbox 360

All Cables: AudioQuest
Aeon i panels run on current source w/ Audioquest CV-8
Aeon i woofer run on voltage source w/ Audioquest Type 8
Audioquest Diamondback interconnects

This system started out as a 2-Channel only music system until I started getting into home theater. I originally had all paradigm until I went to all Martin Logan in 2004/05. I recently replaced a Fresco center channel with my Cinema i. Currently I am very happy with my setup...I was running everything off the 3803 for a while until I finally bought the Sunfire. I went for the 7400 so that I can go 7.1 eventually down the road. I was worried about 2 channel listening with the Sunfire, but after listening to it, I was not dissapointed. It runs 2 and multi-channel very smoothly. I am a big fan of the seperate current and voltage sources for the front 2 channels.

I have allot of paintings in the room, but my next project will be room treatment and probably a new sub, or additional Dynamo.


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Name: Mark Bergrin

I have allot of paintings in the room, but my next project will be room treatment and probably a new sub, or additional Dynamo.

Just a thought, I have seen room treatment panels with paintings on the front, to help disquise them. You might look into something similar.

:welcome: Mark,
Great system.
Nice to see another member from Chicago.
Check the regional get-together forumn.
The Chicago contingent is quite active.
:welcome: Mark!!

Ah... another member of the Chicago ML group! Hope you can make it to one of our gatherings in the future!

That would be fantastic...let me know when you guys want to get together...I'll even host! BBQ anyone? :D
Welcome!! If you are going to survive in Chicago you need to get rid of that Cleveland Browns icon. Chicago is a very tough sports town :D Again :welcome:
Welcome!! If you are going to survive in Chicago you need to get rid of that Cleveland Browns icon. Chicago is a very tough sports town :D Again :welcome:

I love Chicago...been here a while, but I was born and bred in Cleveland. Gotta root for my teams...:rolleyes:
come on Joey...can't we all just get along? Besides, I have a 'no beating' rule at my exceptions.

I won't wear any Cleveland gear...I promise.;)