1. Member Name: Ryan Backstrand
2. Location: Beaverton, Oregon, USA
3. ML Model(s):Aerius i
4. Year Purchased: 2017
5. Mods/Changes: None
6. Associated Electronics:
1971 Kenwood KA7100 DC Amplifier
1973 Kenwood KT7300 Tuner
1977 Dokorder 7700 R2R
1992 Denon DCD-590 CD Player
2006 Pro-Ject Debut III w/ Ortofon OM5E Cart
While I have a trained ear and appreciation for quality and accuracy of the soundstage just as much as anyone else, I am on a very limited budget for home electronics (as you can probably tell from my circa 1997 TV). I got the Kenwood Amp, Tuner, and Dokorder R2R as a set for $20 at a garage sale, the CD player for $15 at Goodwill, and I bought my Pro-Ject brand new in 2006 for $300 while in college. The 90's-looking Alpine component rack I picked up free on the side of the road a few years back. Total system cost of $335 + the $700 speakers.
7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience:
I first heard a set of MartinLogans at my neighbors house around 2005, I think they were Vistas, and I was absolutely blown away. I was 18, so no way I could ever afford something like that. I remember reading Jazzman53's write-up back then on how he made his own, and I even went as far as to purchase some mylar and a few other components, but the project lost steam. In mid-2017, a co-worker gave me some "The Fisher" XP65 bookshelf speakers to sell for him. I hooked them up to the B channel and couldn't believe it, how could any component speakers sound THIS bad? I remembered how much I had liked the MartinLogan's, and thought that if my JBL's sounded great to me, and these bookshelfs sounded this bad, how much better would ML's sound? I couldn't shake the bug to buy some, so after a lot of research on this site, I ended up buying these 1999 Aerius i's for $700.

2. Location: Beaverton, Oregon, USA
3. ML Model(s):Aerius i
4. Year Purchased: 2017
5. Mods/Changes: None
6. Associated Electronics:
1971 Kenwood KA7100 DC Amplifier
1973 Kenwood KT7300 Tuner
1977 Dokorder 7700 R2R
1992 Denon DCD-590 CD Player
2006 Pro-Ject Debut III w/ Ortofon OM5E Cart
While I have a trained ear and appreciation for quality and accuracy of the soundstage just as much as anyone else, I am on a very limited budget for home electronics (as you can probably tell from my circa 1997 TV). I got the Kenwood Amp, Tuner, and Dokorder R2R as a set for $20 at a garage sale, the CD player for $15 at Goodwill, and I bought my Pro-Ject brand new in 2006 for $300 while in college. The 90's-looking Alpine component rack I picked up free on the side of the road a few years back. Total system cost of $335 + the $700 speakers.
7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience:
I first heard a set of MartinLogans at my neighbors house around 2005, I think they were Vistas, and I was absolutely blown away. I was 18, so no way I could ever afford something like that. I remember reading Jazzman53's write-up back then on how he made his own, and I even went as far as to purchase some mylar and a few other components, but the project lost steam. In mid-2017, a co-worker gave me some "The Fisher" XP65 bookshelf speakers to sell for him. I hooked them up to the B channel and couldn't believe it, how could any component speakers sound THIS bad? I remembered how much I had liked the MartinLogan's, and thought that if my JBL's sounded great to me, and these bookshelfs sounded this bad, how much better would ML's sound? I couldn't shake the bug to buy some, so after a lot of research on this site, I ended up buying these 1999 Aerius i's for $700.