My next topic is power source.
I’ve already described about my cables. I think it’s a very good timing to talk about power source. It looks like many people in the world who love ML belong to this club and discuss about many things. But the power source is different in each country, isn’t it? So I introduce the power source and what audio freaks contrive it in Japan for your reference below. Nowadays, power source is the center field of attention by Japanese audio freaks.
(Power source in Japan)
Electric power from a power plant to a substation: less than AC500,000V triple phase
Electric power from a substation to a transformer on a utility pillar: AC600V triple phase
Electric power from a transformer to a breaker box at several houses: AC200V single phase
Electric power from a breaker to a wall outlet: AC100V single phase
(What do audio freaks contrive the power source for their audio in Japan?)
1. Using good quality power source cables from the wall outlets
2. Using up-down transformer (ex. Using down transformer from AC200V to AC100V getting AC200V from breakers directly in order to reduce the power loss in the cables.)
3. Using power conditioner ( Noise filter type. Inverter type including DC batteries etc.)
4. Changing the in-door power cables from an ordinal type to an audio grade type or to a big conductor type, thinking about the noise reduction and the power loss.
5. Using many kinds of audio grade accessories ( Plugs, Outlet plate, Wall outlet. Outlet box, Breaker ,breaker box Etc.)
6. Grand earth control equipments
7. Using their own utility pillars and transformers for AC600V just for audio system not to be used commonly with their neighbors (They call this with much affection “ My audio utility pillar!!! “.

(My opinion full of dogmatism and prejudice about the power source)
I thought about each item as follows:
1. Is it strange to use the expensive audio grade power cables for my equipments without thinking about long indoor cables from breakers to wall outlets?
2. It looks OK. But it will cost me much to buy good transformers carefully designed about noise, a buzz and rushing current without any coloration to the sound.
3. It looks expensive for me to buy them for whole my equipments.
4. It looks simple and good.
5. I want to use the minimum amount of those audio grade equipments because they are very expensive for me.
6. I have no idea because I don’t have any experience about those.
7. Perfect, but ummmmmm.
(Remodeling and a result)
I adopted the item No.4 & 5, thinking about simplicity and cost. What I carried out is as follows to be concrete.
* I added another audio breaker box with 6 breakers inside near the breaker box in operation. The breakers made by Japanese maker, Tempearl, were admired in a Japanese audio magazine to be very good for sound, may be, because of their strong springs.
* I adopted 6 lines( Furukawa cable for power line CV8: 8 square-mm(0.0124 in2), polyethylene insulator, with shield). The each cable length was not so long and, thanks to a tiny rabbit house, only 10m(32.81 ft).
* These lines were induced to my equipments directly by audio grade IEN inlet connectors without going by way of any wall outlet to reduce the number of an electric contact. That means each equipment uses each breaker only for its own.
* I used the gilt contact parts to reduce the electric contact resistance for breakers and inlet connectors.
Remark; If you would do like me, please check the laws and regulations in your country.
At first after the installation, the sound was very strange and mysterious because it was very clear without any noise but I could not understand from where the sound came. Can you imagine it?
As time passed, the sound became clearer and clearer amazingly. I’m not sure how long it took to finish aging because I felt it whether it would continue forever. :clap:
Though there are people who insist that good power circuits are inside the good amplifier and they don’t need to care about power source, but how can they explain my experience during the aging time?
I show my added breaker box below. You can see the 6 big cables to my equipments there.