Peter Hogan
Well-known member
Ahhh, I can see the liquid refreshment sitting on the floor...
Ahhh, I can see the liquid refreshment sitting on the floor...![]()
Of course, it's all going to change this weekend, when I buy the stands and shelves I need to put the TV and my newly-aquired ML Logos Center speaker to the mix. I'll be sure to post new pics when it's all together.
In fact, my current brewing project is researching how to make gluten-free beer..
Anyway, wondering about those solar winds.... you mentioned a quick impression posts of them... are they noticeably better than what you had before? What did you have before anyway?
Well, I got to check out Richard's system today and I knew going in that I would be impressed. We spent a good 5 hours talking and listening to all sorts of music: Diana Krall, Pink Floyd, Marley, Vivaldi, Norah Jones just to name a few.
I brought over a pair old monster interconnects (my cables running from the CD to the amp) and I wanted to do an A/B comparison between those wires and Dreamer's pure silver interconnects.
A few weeks ago both Rich and I had the pleasure of listening to Dan's (DTB300) system. Again we listened to the same Diana Krall CD and I was blown away when I heard those tracks on Dan's system. Dreamer's setup is no slouch and the same songs were equally enjoyable.
Richard also has the capability to use a passive preamp and that was sort of neat. He has a homemade preamp that is nothing more than a few wires and switches; no internal circuitry. The interesting thing is that some CDs sounded cleaner compared to a much more expensive Carver preamp!
At any rate, whether he upgrades tomorrow or 20 years from now, Rich seems to make the most out what he has available-very nice Carver gear, great cables (Nordost speaker and White Zombie interconnects), and a very good sounding Oppo CD player.
I fully enjoyed my saturday afternoon with Dreamer and I hope I can return the favor soon!
Richard, how much for that rosey napkin under the TV set ? (Not that I really need it, but I think it would look neater without)