System #10 (Ascent, Theater, Script, Descent)

MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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Congraulations on a nice system. As far as the Toshiba goes, due you plan to keep it? Now that Blu-Ray is king?

I thought about selling it but whats the point? I'll probably only get like $50 for the player and the 26 movie I have for it. I have re-bought some my HD-DVD movies on Blu but some of them are still not available on Blu yet. Eventually I'll re-buy all the moves I have on HD-DVD and will have no more use for the format and either give it away or toss it.

Go Blu! ;)
Looks like UPS brought me a late Christmas gift.


That's a pretty big box, I wounder what it could be? :think:

Hay, looky at that! A brand new JVC DLA-RS10 Projector.



Sexy, Sexy, isn't it?
what are those rags hanging on the walls? very peculiar. Also, what happened to your screen??? Man, your snake oil dealer must love you with all that "vibration control" voodoo that you have bought into!:ROFL:

Also, please in the future it would be appreciated if you would make use of the spell checker function before sending off your posts.
Well it’s been a while since I added some new pic's so here we go.

Yes I know my digital camera sucks, hope to get a new one soon.

Front projection baby.

The rack of power!

PS Audio P1000 power plant.

Sony PlayStation 3
what are those rags hanging on the walls? very peculiar. Also, what happened to your screen??? Man, your snake oil dealer must love you with all that "vibration control" voodoo that you have bought into!:ROFL:
The only snake oil is that you need a screen to enjoy front projection.

Not true.

However I am building a custom AT screen right now. It will be done just as soon as I can find $200. So maybe next year. :(

Also, please in the future it would be appreciated if you would make use of the spell checker function before sending off your posts.

It's post like this that stopped me from coming to the Martinlogan Owners forum.

People with too much time and money on there hands and little knowledge of AV that would rather bitch about spelling and grammar.

With all that money maybe you should buy some knowledge.

I do offer my services to people for a fee.

Also if my spelling bothers you it's more the reason for me to keep writing poor just to pi*s you off. If my spelling bothers you add me to your ignore list and STAY THE HELL OUT OF MY PERSONAL SPACE!!!!

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Joe I just want to say congrats on that beautiful new projector.:) Please posts some pics of that bad boy all set up. I'll bet it produces a stunning 1080p picture.

Thanks for sharing that with us.;)

Also as I was going through your AV equipment list, I noticed that your Audioquest Columbia balanced XLR cables have 72v dbs systems. Mine came stock with 48v dbs, is the 72v dbs battery packs available to buy on their own? If so I may see about upgrading mine.:)

