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Difference and excitation at what frequency? What's the xover frequency?
xo at 60 hz

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Difference and excitation at what frequency? What's the xover frequency?
xo at 60 hz
The 5dB in the narrow dip @ ~28Hz, assuming it's real and not a measurement repeatability artifact, is likely inaudible, but @55-60 dB you're not measuring much above the LF noise floor. Try it again @ 80-85 dB.I'll take the extra 5dB and put it in my pocket.
The 5dB in the narrow dip @ ~28Hz, assuming it's real and not a measurement repeatability artifact, is likely inaudible, but @55-60 dB you're not measuring much above the LF noise floor. Try it again @ 80-85 dB.
There's some issue with Room Equilization Wizard were it is reporting my mic's output around 15 or so dB low, as compared to my SPL meter.
Also, I for some reason forgot to measure the 90 degree orientation, so here it is again:
"parallel against wall" means the sub is against the wall and shoots parallel to it.
"90 deg" means it shoots perpendicular to the wall
"parallel driver same loc" means that to be fair, I offset the sub from the wall in the parallel orientation so that the driver is in the same location.
My sub is parked against the right side of my listening chair, ~2 1/2 feet from my right ear to the driver. Difficult to get much more nearfield than that.Because nearfield.
And here i thought we were talking about excitation of room modes (Your post #15) .I think most people wouldn't be surprised if you told them that the front of a sub measures louder than the back side.
Also: polar angle
Ehhhh, "excite mode", "fill null", whatever. I guess I remembered wrong.
But in any case, now that I proved my point, I will carry on and spread my message far and wide.
Just so's ya know, you two fellers debating on my OP isn't really helping. Shame, because you guys know a lot more than me about audio. Just sayin'.
RUR is a pretty helpful fellow. Beanbag, you're working very hard to prove yourself here, but it's not necessary to be the last man standing.
I made a point and showed data to back it up. What's wrong with that? Did you want me concede anything?