Stillpoints under Spires.

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2005
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Washington, DC suburbs
I recently have been trying different isolation/vibration management tweaks under all of my components, with excellent results generally. In fact, I now consider such tweaking to be as essential as acoustic treatments. With the Spires, I initially tried some Track Audio spikes ( along with Black Diamond Racing discs ( in place of the stock ETC spikes. I tried this combination at the suggestion of a friend who owns a pair of CLXs and has used these with great success. In my system, I heard some improvement but nothing significant.

I have been installing Stillpoints on various components and they never failed to impress. All the raves and glowing reviews are consistent with my listening impressions. My summation is that I now hear more of the music in a cleaner presentation over the entire spectrum. That was before I installed the Stillpoints on the Spires. I had 3 Stillpoints Minis under my Running Springs Dmitri power conditioner, 3 Ultra SSs under each amp, 3 Minis under my Mac Mini (more effective than you might think), and 3 Minis under my phono stage.

I got curious and decided to try them under the Spires. I took the SSs from under the amps, bought more SSs, and placed four under each Spire (the remaining SSs went under the turntable). Wow. Everything I heard with the previous installment got significantly better in ways that were immediately noticeable. Much more glare and grunge was removed from the presentation and the effect was consistent from recording to recording, digital or vinyl, poorly recorded or well recorded. Keep in mind that in this installment there are no longer any Stillpoints under the amps. The speakers are where they belong now! In my research of the Stillpoints before trying them, I had read that the folks at Stillpoints recommend first installing them under your speakers before anywhere else. I ignored this advice because I already had the Track Audio spikes there (albeit with nominal benefit) and in my experience many recommendations regarding speakers do not apply to panel speakers. I am happy to report that I was wrong. Here are some pics:

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I have heard stillpoints under speakers (though not logans) and they make a massive positive difference. Many box speaker guys now use them under Wilsons, Avalons, etc.

There is a massive thread running on Whatsbestforum on stillpoints under speakers. Look for incredible stillpoints under stillpoints where people have shared all their experiences.

That said, under non-speaker components, my own personal experience is I find stillpoints negative now, as compared to shun mook diamond resonators (sorry to harp on here). But do try the resonators, the stillpoints will sound dry and bright in comparison while the resonators just elevate the system by a few multiples. I took all my stillpoints off.

Stillpoints also recommends starting off with under the power generator/supply if you have one before pre amps and other components
Anthony, glad this little discovery paid the dividends it did ! ………. ahhhhhh, the details !
Also there will be a big jump from Ultra SS to Ultra 5 under speakers
Also there will be a big jump from Ultra SS to Ultra 5 under speakers

It has been explained to me by Bruce Jacobs of Stillpoints and my dealer that Ultra 5s are most effective with heavier components and that SSs are better deployed (from an economic standpoint) whenever possible, as the SSs are the sweet spot in the lineup. With the Spires being 58 lbs. each and the SSs having a weight capacity of 500 lbs. each, I concluded that it was more cost-effective to utilize the SSs under them. Of course, Ultra 5s would most likely be even more effective under the Spires, but some users with heavier speakers have reported hearing only marginal improvement between the SSs and the 5s. The one relatively "light" component, say 50 lbs. or more, that probably would see significant benefit going from the SSs to the 5s is probably a mass-loaded turntable (not sure how effective these would be under a suspension TT). That is just speculation on my part as I have not made such comparison. In general though, Ultra 5s are seemingly reported to be most effective under 200 lb.+ speakers like the big Magicos or Wilsons, and under 100 lb.+ amps.
Ok, possible. There is a dealer who regularly uses them under Avalon Transcendants and the smaller Estelons with good effect
they look a very practical way of improving your speakers . I have found that equipment slides when I have used under separates and preferred the sound of black ravioli but these stillpoints look good but I am sticking with my Townshend springs at the moment as they are extremely good