Jeff, I value your contributions to both this forum, and in your magazine and website. When you publish a review of a piece of gear, there are ALWAYS going to be a few vocal readers who will vehemently disagree with you--some are thoughtful and make passionate and logical arguments, and others are just mud-slinging troublemakers with a closed minded agenda.
You know, as a publisher, that you have to have a pretty thick skin in this business. You seem to hold your own--your opinions are well-thought-out and eloquently written. And I'm sure you know that on these forums, you need to have an even thicker skin because any yahoo with an internet connection can spew forth slander (or praise) instantly--they don't even need to buy a postage stam to reply to forum posts. This sort of raw democracy has good abd bad points, but we all understand where these folks are coming from, and take these flaming responses for what they are.
I have gone back and re-read a lot of Neil's posts, trying to figure out what he is all about. I don't profess yo know or understand him completely through his posts, but I do recognize that Neil often displays those tell-tale signs of McIntoshus Superiorosis--a common malady among McIntosh owners who have bought into the endless torrent of "white papers", spec sheets, and "benchmark tests" that are the core beliefs of the McIntosh universe. I've met several McIntosh owners (and even a few dealers) over the years who were terminally infected with this memetic virus, and honestly believed in their heart of hearts (interestingly enough, with disturbing similarity to some Mercedes Benz owners) that if it wasn't McIntosh, it was crap--end of discussion...
I'm sure Neil likes the sound of his system more than any other system he's heard. I'm also pretty sure that Neil secretly knows his rig MUST be capable of sounding a whole lot better, but just can't understand why, with the power of his beloved McIntosh gear, it is just not as good as the spec's say it should be...
Don't get me wrong- the McIntosh MC275 is a VERY nice amp, and I'm sure in Neil's rig it produced the sound he's looking for. But where Neil is getting into trouble, from a philosophical point of view, is that he is suffering philosophically from the largest and most fundamental flaw in the entirety of modern Western thought, in that he has willing dived into the pool of Descartean dualism, and he simply cannot fathom that the REAL nature of reality is, that it is equally real and unique for each and every one of us, and that there really is no "right and wrong" when it comes to perceptual analysis. If one person LOVES the sound of Amp-A with Speaker-B, and another person thinks it sounds like a pile of dog crap, then unless one of those people has provable hearing damage or is certifiably insane, both their opinions are equally true and valid--FOR THEM...
Apparently they do not teach philosophy, ontology, or logic in the school system any more, and the concept of training people to be well-equipped critical thinkers with a firm grounding in the fundamental thoughts and ideas of philosophy are no longer part of the educational curriculum. Anyone who doesn't know who Descarte, Hegel, Plato, and Aristotle are and what they discussed has NO BUSINESS posting their opinions about perceptual reality, let alone flaming out on other people for their personal opinions...
Neil, I genuinely feel sorry for you. You've bought into the McIntosh Meme, hook, line and sinker. Your system would sound SO much better (and you would be a much happier person) if you opened your mind a little and stepped outside the Mc-compound. There is a big world out there, fella, and it's full of wonderful, amazing, and delightful things. Put away your spec sheets for one minute, and go outside and listen to the birds, the children, and smell a flower or two, bro. Go to a live concert. Put away your pocket protector, and find a little Jazz Cafe some weekend, and listen to REAL PEOPLE playing REAL MUSIC, and just forget about your oscilloscopes and response curve charts and your benchmark tests for a few hours and experience something REAL.
You see, Neil, you aren't really a cranky curmudgeoun because you are surrounded by idiots--you're a cranky curmudgeoun because you have surrounded yourself with a synthetic version of reality, and your SOUL knows that somewhere out there, there has GOT to be a better way.
Free your mind, and your ears will follow...