Could I give a valid opinion that these cars are more than most people need? Yes.
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Based on what I know could I say most people are driving the wrong car for their needs.
First of all, I think this is a poor analogy. People choose cars for lots of reasons other than to meet their basic "needs." But honestly, what you said was closer to: Most Mercedes owner's cars drive like crap because they use the wrong tires instead of the correct aftermarket tires that they need to perform their best. And you would make this overbroad generalization based on never having actually driven these types of cars with the tires in question. Do you see what I mean? Yes, you have an opinion. But no, you haven't provided any reasoning to give your opinion any validity.
And, not surprisingly, I disagree with your assessment about BMW's and Mercedes too. Could I get by with a Ford Focus? Sure. But nothing quite compares to the satisfaction of operating well-engineered machinery, and those two brands offer some of the best available automotive engineering in their price ranges from my experience. Too much car for my needs? I think not.
It would be impossible to listen to all the permutations of equipment available. But given that I am familiar with the sound of certain brand names. I can make an educated guess as to how they will sound together.
Educated guess? No. More like utter speculation. Because it completely fails to take into account the room, the other associated components and the synergies between them, and the preferences of the listener. It is a complete guess based on unreliable historical memories of what a different component manufactured by the same company sounded like in a completely different room in a completely different system.
And since your comment was that MOST ML owners have horrible sound based on their amp choices, it would appear that you are speculating that just about every major amp manufacturer produces equipment that is sub-par for Martin Logan speakers. I guess you don't like the "house sound" of most all of the amp manufacturers. Because I see a pretty wide diversity of manufacturers represented among ML owners.
I can't help but think if you guys were really that happy with sound of your system you would not have been so offended.
What makes you think that I am offended? Because I called your BS statement for what it was? No offense taken, I assure you. But I will always call out what I believe to be BS when I see it. That's just the way I am. And yes, I am quite happy with the sound of both of my current systems. Not that I wouldn't kill for a larger room and a pair of CLX, but then we always want that which we don't have, don't we?
By the way, I actually have been out to visit Gordon Gray and listen to his system. I can attest that he is a wonderful host and a genuinely great person, and his system not only sounds awesome, but has one of the best views I have ever had the enjoyment of experiencing with my music. I highly recommend you visit with him if you are ever out that way.