Sonos ZP80?

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2006
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What's your thoughts on this? I like the convenient of having the color display remote. Also has analog output that I can connect to my preamp.

Once again a really neat product. It's to bad that it does not have a digital output like the Squeezebox.
I looked at the Sonos before going with the Squeezebox. It's pricey and is not open source. The neat little display is cool, but you can do that with a Nokia 770 internet tablet to control a Squeezebox ;)
I have not gone with either the Squeezebox or the Sonos, but am planning on the near future - my choice? The Sonos. Shame it dosen't have digital output, but since I will use my SACD player for serious listening I don't really care. As for open source, who cares - so long as it works! Who here has ever modified their source code? Actually - who here would even dare to and gaurantee their squeezebox would start up for their next listening session?
Since squeezebox is open source, there are LOTS of plugins for it which keep making it better and better. There's a whole community of developers who are doing stuff to the Squeezebox code and as a computer geek, I really like that. 300 dollars is all the Squeezebox costs compared to the 1200 for the Sonos.

Both have 30 day money back guarantees, so I bought the Squeezebox and figured I would return it if I didn't like it.. I've never looked back.
I looked at the Sonos before going with the Squeezebox. It's pricey and is not open source. The neat little display is cool, but you can do that with a Nokia 770 internet tablet to control a Squeezebox ;)

Nokia 770 internet tablet and the SB would cost more then the Sonos. Right!
Squeezebox $250-300 + Nokia $350 = $650 total (less if wired version)
Sonos ZonePlayer 80 plus controller = $750

The Nokia also allows you to surf the net, read the ML Club forum, check email, etc. while listening!

That being said, the price difference might be worth it *IF* the Sonos controller is more intuitive and easier to use.

BTW, check out the new ALL-BLACK Squeezebox 3...
Sleepysurf hit the nail on the head. Squeezebox is cheaper no matter how you look at it.

My rationale was to shell out 300 clams for the Squeezebox (wireless version) and see if I really needed a slick remote like the Sonos.

The answer was a resounding NO. The Squeezebox interface is easy to use and FAST (especially with the lazysearch plugin) - If you are familiar with an iPod interface, the Squeezebox is really similar.

I never felt the need to get the Nokia 770 to interface to it. With that being said, however, there are some REALLY cool plugins for the Squeezebox software (SlimServer) that can show you the history of the band, reviews of the album you're listening to, etc. and I thought THAT would be pretty neat to use with the Nokia 770, but I still haven't gotten around to buying one yet.

My advice is this: download the SlimServer software for the squeezebox HERE for free. It comes with a virtual squeezebox, which will act just like a Squeezebox does.

This will give you a really good idea of how it all works. Let it find your music and then play with it all you want.

Then if you want to purchase the Squeezebox, you'll be all set.. If not, you're not out a penny and you can do what you like.

Or if you're still not sure, order the squeezebox - it comes in the mail, you plug it into your audio system, power it on, it finds the wireless networks in your area, you tell it which one to connect to (yours of course), enter your security codes to access your network (secure network, please) and you're set! You should be up and running within 15 minutes! I was really THAT easy! If you STILL don't like it, you have 30 day money back guarantee.

I don't mean to bash the Sonos.. I'm sure it's AWESOME, but for 300 dollars you can't go wrong with at least trying out the Squeezebox!

OK.. that's my rant... Rock on! :rocker:
FYI, I have a local friend who's real good friends with someone who works with Sonos. Discounts galore.... let me know!

Please remember that with Sonos you will need 2 ZP80/100's since one must be hardwired to your computer. Unless of course you have your computer in the same room as your stereo which would make a Sonos system unecessary.
There are a number of quality DAC's available now sporting USB inputs. Problem is you still need your PC in your listening room, along with a display, and still wouldn't have a remote. Squeezebox, Roku, Sonos, and others allow you to keep the PC (or Mac) elsewhere, while providing a simple, yet functional display, and full remote control.
There are a number of quality DAC's available now sporting USB inputs. Problem is you still need your PC in your listening room, along with a display, and still wouldn't have a remote. Squeezebox, Roku, Sonos, and others allow you to keep the PC (or Mac) elsewhere, while providing a simple, yet functional display, and full remote control.

From what everyone has said, I guess the Squeezebox has a decent DAC in it?
Concensus is the Squeezebox DAC is more-or-less comparable to a mid-priced CD player. For true "audiophile" quality sound you can either pair it with a higher-end DAC, or move up to the Transporter.
I am also looking at the Sonos vs the Squeezebox, the Sonos does have a digital out just like the squeezebox but is much more expensive. I am curious how much better does the Squeezebox sound with an outboard DAC? Also do you have to have a PC running at all times or does a NAS work?
I am also looking at the Sonos vs the Squeezebox, the Sonos does have a digital out just like the squeezebox but is much more expensive. I am curious how much better does the Squeezebox sound with an outboard DAC? Also do you have to have a PC running at all times or does a NAS work?

Oops, didn't realize the smaller (unamplified) Sonos ZP80 DOES have digital out (the original amplified ZP100 didn't).

As for the effect of adding an outboard DAC vs. the Squeezebox alone, IMHO the Benchmark offers SLIGHT but AUDIBLE improvement, particularly in the low and high frequencies. Whether it's $975 worth of improvement is debatable. A Squeezebox+Benchmark retails for $1275, vs. $1700+ for a Transporter.

Re needing a PC running... yes, you need to be running the Slimserver app SOMEWHERE on your network, on a PC, Mac, or Linux platform. There are online DIY guides for how to load Slimserver onto a NAS device, or you can just buy Infrant's Terabyte ReadyNAS device pre-loaded with Slimserver...