How "hard" did you have to listen to each speaker to ascertain their respective strengths and weaknesses?
I put alot of faith in "first" impressions followed, of course, by later, due diligence confirmation.
And I wouldn't "write off" the equipment difference given my recent experience with auditioning the YG's.
The 802s are actually better than 800s in most rooms, and yes, their diamond tweeters are excellent and the I like the midrange, their bass is good.
The 802s are actually better than 800s in most rooms, and yes, their diamond tweeters are excellent and the I like the midrange, their bass is good.
Joey, if you have a dealer nearby, and have an opportunity, you should listen to the KEF Blades as well. If not then perhaps you can hear them next October at RMAF. It would be a lot of fun to hang out at the show together.
Yes, bass is subpar... limited extension on both, but at least what they put out sounds good enough to me.
The Wilson dealer kept bashing the 800/802 Diamonds - slow slow bass they said. I dunno, I didn't hear slow bass when I last listened to either speaker. The 802 sounds a little anemic in comparison but the 800 sounded pretty generous and full to me.
Best description to my listening of the current crop of Wilson Sophia 3 and Sasha 2... once I was there and sitting down and playing through the tracks - I found that I did it more to post a review rather than the sheer enjoyment of the system. I was hoping to be blown away or at least having an epiphany... but I found myself fast-forwarding through tracks and didn't even bother listening to the end on others.
Very odd.
Not that they're bad - but they're just to my taste right now I guess.
Hi Joey. My thoughts as well on the alexandria system. What I found missing the most in the setup was a lack of mid bass. They had high end, very low end, a deep sound stage but where was any mid bass? It made them sound a bit cold and clinical. I mean don't get me wrong because they did sound good but I walked away asking myself after two listening sessions why I wasn't totally blown away. It could have been setup but I just don't know. I have heard others say the same about Wilson. They sound great but for some you said....'meh'.Midrange is definitely better on the 800/802 Diamonds... you can tell the jump from the 805 to the 804 Diamond (805 has no FST midrange, 804 does but it is enclosed in the cabinet). Then you can tell the jump from the 804 Diamond midrange to the 802 Diamond primarily because of the marlan headed FST driver. I have no doubt in my mind that the FST in the enclosure is pure genius.
Even listening to the $13,000 Sonus Faber Olympica III... against the 802 Diamond - what a difference. One is laid back, midrange is lacking (another word for polite and sweet).... overall presentation felt like reproduced music rather than more of an event.
Is the 802 Diamond perfect? No. But neither is every other speaker out there.
I will reserve final judgement of the Diamonds after I hear it again back to back against the Sasha 2.
I think the Alexias sound similar to the Sasha 2... similar house sound at least. I can't say about the staging or depth or walkability around the performers since I listened to the Alexia probably 1 month ago... but one thing remained the same... even with $150,000 of Boulder amps, preamps, and CDP.... the $200,000 Alexia system sounded.... "meh".... no goosebumps whatsoever on the SAME tracks as above.
Seems like Sonus Faber is unveiling a speaker that we suspect is below the Aida and above the Amati Futura... should be a killer speaker.