I had picked up a pair of Electromotion ESL's awhile back real cheap that had an issue with one of the panels. I attempted to separate the panel to try a repair but that did not go well. I have kept my eye out for a replacement panel and finally one showed up on ebay for a good price. It was all bent up and did not come with the frame but the seller said that it worked. I took a chance and bought it. I connected it up before putting it in the frame to test and it worked. Great joy. I then carefully got all of the bends out the best I could from the edges of the panel and started to put it in the frame. I soon noticed that something did not look right. The new panel was longer than the current panel. I did not know they came in different lengths. The frame worked with a section of panel sticking up higher than the other. I guess I will use it like this and keep a watch out for the correct size panel.