A few months ago I started hearing an imbalance in the soundstage. The soundstage was moved to the right side. I checked and adjusted the BIAS in power amplifier, I checked the same in the preamplifier and everything was OK. I thought maybe there was something deeper in the preamplifier and I started listening to music with the balance knob into the left.
Everything changed when I bought a new integrated amplifier. One big piece of tubes, Ayon Triton with 8 x KT150, only direct sound, without... a balance knob. Because my favorite source is my custom DAC that I built, I started using software balance. I saw on the computer screen that the soundstage is centered when the right side is turned down to 70% (oh f*** ). I didn't expect such degradation. It's time to get ready to change the foil (but my foils are not old at all). Since the foils are waiting to be replaced, why not experiment, I won't lose anything, if I kill them, I will replace them faster.
In the same time my friend had the same problem with Odyssey, His ML were after refoil and few month later sterted to lose power in one panel. He resent it to workshop in Germany and panel was repaired with description " problem was with oxydation ". I started to connect this two, CLS and Odyssey problems and....
1) I disconnected the electronics from the panels and swapped them. Problem was still in left panel. Transformers and all passive elements inside "black box" were ok.
2) I checked 2 wires ( green and black ) from connector to the panel stators. No problem in this part.
3) Red wire - from PCB conector to the foil... I checked continuity of the wire from the connector to the foil entrance (multimeter probe with a thin and sharp tip inserted into the wire insulation). No problem.
Problem was in foil sourface or red wire - foil connection. I started to search how it is connected inside and... this wire is only wrapped in foil.
( photo from internet )
I thought that maybe here is problem, maybe oxidation and problem with connection.
I dissasembled panel from the frame and decided to deoxide red wire connection.
I checked red wire installation, probably the same like on internet photo because I can move wire about half inch fom inside to outside.
I put inside stator near red wire, thin pipe with deoxidant and spray it,
after this I use in the same way isopropyl electronics cleaner. Few minutes later when cleaner flowed out and evaporated I put inside one more time contact spray.
Asembly everything, connected and... I was shocked. Sound started to back to left panel. First to 80% anfter one day to 90%....
One week later I repated it. First contact spray, after that I moved wire up and down, after that iso cleaner and moved too, and finish with contact spray. I rotated slightly wire to give more contact to the foil and assembly everything.
I gave time for evapurated sprays and few days later start measured sound with db meter... OMG I repaired CLS panel. sounds perfect. Clear hi tones back to left panel and soundstage is balanced and huge.
A few months ago I started hearing an imbalance in the soundstage. The soundstage was moved to the right side. I checked and adjusted the BIAS in power amplifier, I checked the same in the preamplifier and everything was OK. I thought maybe there was something deeper in the preamplifier and I started listening to music with the balance knob into the left.
Everything changed when I bought a new integrated amplifier. One big piece of tubes, Ayon Triton with 8 x KT150, only direct sound, without... a balance knob. Because my favorite source is my custom DAC that I built, I started using software balance. I saw on the computer screen that the soundstage is centered when the right side is turned down to 70% (oh f*** ). I didn't expect such degradation. It's time to get ready to change the foil (but my foils are not old at all). Since the foils are waiting to be replaced, why not experiment, I won't lose anything, if I kill them, I will replace them faster.
In the same time my friend had the same problem with Odyssey, His ML were after refoil and few month later sterted to lose power in one panel. He resent it to workshop in Germany and panel was repaired with description " problem was with oxydation ". I started to connect this two, CLS and Odyssey problems and....
1) I disconnected the electronics from the panels and swapped them. Problem was still in left panel. Transformers and all passive elements inside "black box" were ok.
2) I checked 2 wires ( green and black ) from connector to the panel stators. No problem in this part.
3) Red wire - from PCB conector to the foil... I checked continuity of the wire from the connector to the foil entrance (multimeter probe with a thin and sharp tip inserted into the wire insulation). No problem.
Problem was in foil sourface or red wire - foil connection. I started to search how it is connected inside and... this wire is only wrapped in foil.
( photo from internet )

I thought that maybe here is problem, maybe oxidation and problem with connection.
I dissasembled panel from the frame and decided to deoxide red wire connection.
I checked red wire installation, probably the same like on internet photo because I can move wire about half inch fom inside to outside.

I put inside stator near red wire, thin pipe with deoxidant and spray it,

after this I use in the same way isopropyl electronics cleaner. Few minutes later when cleaner flowed out and evaporated I put inside one more time contact spray.
Asembly everything, connected and... I was shocked. Sound started to back to left panel. First to 80% anfter one day to 90%....
One week later I repated it. First contact spray, after that I moved wire up and down, after that iso cleaner and moved too, and finish with contact spray. I rotated slightly wire to give more contact to the foil and assembly everything.
I gave time for evapurated sprays and few days later start measured sound with db meter... OMG I repaired CLS panel. sounds perfect. Clear hi tones back to left panel and soundstage is balanced and huge.