Personally I wouldn't miss it for the world. I haven't been to CES, but was able to attend CEDIA and "THE Show" last year, and have been to one of the Stereophile shows. In my opinion, this show is by far the best. Robert Harley of the Absolute Sound calls it "The Premiere HiFi event in North America". Much more focus on 2 channel audio and music, less on home theater and gizmo's.
I'm already registered! If you are as nuts about audio as I am (and recent events surrounding our National Get Together in Lawrence would lead me toi believe that I am not alone in this regard), then you simply MUST come to this event. Besides, there really isn't a better time to visit Denver than late September or early October. Our "Indian Summers" are spectacular!
I'll host a coctail event at my house for those interested, and can even put a few folks up (must remember to clear that with the wife later).

I'd like to have others listen to my system as well - so far Dave's the only one here who's heard it, and that was only briefly.