
MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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I want you guys to listen to several speakers -

Magico Mini II, V3
Alexandria X2 version 2 (if it's out)
SF Ellipsa
Evolution MM3

And please report back... :).
I want you guys to listen to several speakers -

Magico Mini II, V3
Alexandria X2 version 2 (if it's out)
SF Ellipsa
Evolution MM3

And please report back... :).

I've listened to the Magico V3 recently; what do you want to know about them?
Time crunch local hikes

For anyone who likes to hike, there is a beautiful hike you must take...its about 70 miles west of Denver, but it is well worth it. I am sure Tim has been to Hanging Lake. :)

As a CO native I can feel confident in also recommending the one mile hike to Saint Mary's Glacier. It is accessible for any age or ability. At the end of the trail, you come out of the trees to view the glacier and the lake there is spectacular. Easy 30 minute drive from Denver, It is the best choice if your in a crunch for time but want nature's beauty. Exit I-70W right after Idaho Springs at Fall River Road.

My second time crunch hike would be in Eldorado Canyon (17 miles from Denver) between HWY 72 and Boulder, go west off HWY 93 into Eldorado canyon.

Personally I wouldn't miss it for the world. I haven't been to CES, but was able to attend CEDIA and "THE Show" last year, and have been to one of the Stereophile shows. In my opinion, this show is by far the best. Robert Harley of the Absolute Sound calls it "The Premiere HiFi event in North America". Much more focus on 2 channel audio and music, less on home theater and gizmo's.

I'm already registered! If you are as nuts about audio as I am (and recent events surrounding our National Get Together in Lawrence would lead me toi believe that I am not alone in this regard), then you simply MUST come to this event. Besides, there really isn't a better time to visit Denver than late September or early October. Our "Indian Summers" are spectacular!

I'll host a coctail event at my house for those interested, and can even put a few folks up (must remember to clear that with the wife later).:eek: I'd like to have others listen to my system as well - so far Dave's the only one here who's heard it, and that was only briefly.

Tim, Take good notes and I will get with you when I return home DEC 1st. Then you can add me to the list of folks that have listened to your system. I hope to have you over to hear my system, I would appreciate any opinions and suggestions.
I hope to have my new Amp delivered and hooked up by then.
Everyone, enjoy the RMAF, I envy you guys. What a great time of year to visit Colorado.

I've listened to the Magico V3 recently; what do you want to know about them?

I just want to know what you thought about them and if they live up to the hype/hoopla.

Oh and I also want some report on the Kharma room, if possible. :)

I just want to know what you thought about them and if they live up to the hype/hoopla.

I think they do live up to the hype. I heard them only with two amp combinations and despite the overall coolness of the sound I think they are one great pair of speakers. I've reported on that experience here (guess who's the one and only respondent to my post ;)) and since then my opinion of those speakers has improved--listened to a lot of other comparable stuff in the meantime and got to put things in perspective. I'm sure those speakers would be awesome in a proper room and with careful amp, cable and source matching to taste. In fact, I'll soon listen to the exact same set up again, but now in the premium room at the dealer, so stay tuned!
Man, I am so jealous of you guys. If we weren't expecting a baby in the next couple of weeks, I would be there. Ah well, maybe next year. . .
Man, I am so jealous of you guys. If we weren't expecting a baby in the next couple of weeks, I would be there. Ah well, maybe next year. . .

Well.. congrats go to you, my friend! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Let's get some virtual beers for everyone... round's on me.


You got a name yet? Are you going to name him "Logan" like Cherian was trying to do to his baby until it turned out to be a girl...? LOL...
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I've reported on that experience here (guess who's the one and only respondent to my post ;))...

In fact, I'll soon listen to the exact same set up again, but now in the premium room at the dealer, so stay tuned!

Heheheheh... I must've not noticed that you mentioned the V3 in that post as it was mainly geared towards the topic of VTL. And I didn't hear about V3 until the latter issues of Stereophile/TAS last month and this month. :)

And yes, I'll be here... staying tuned as always. Report back when you can.

Well.. congrats go to you, my friend! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Let's get some virtual beers for everyone... round's on me.


You got a name yet? Are you going to name him "Logan" like Cherian was trying to do to his baby until it turned out to be a girl...? LOL...

Thanks, Joey. Mine is definitely a girl and we have picked the name: Adella Marie Jackson. Due date is Oct. 21st.
Rich, congrats on the upcoming new addition! Nice to know there's another female audiophile coming into the world! :rocker:
Rich, congrats on the upcoming new addition! Nice to know there's another female audiophile coming into the world! :rocker:

Thanks, Sleepy. You know she is going to be an audiophile. At the ML factory tour she was kicking up a storm when they were doing the Descent i subwoofer test tone sweeps.

Hard to believe that the Fest is less than a week away! This time next week I'll be taking in the sounds, snapping lots of photos and cavorting with some of you all here in my hometown...

Gordon Gray and I have already PM'd one another. Anyone else who wants to hook up drop me a line and I'll send you my contact info.

Here's some of what we have to look forward to... p.s. the guy with his back to you in the last picture is none other than Stereophile contributor and Analog Fanatic Michael Fremmer


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I'd recognize Mike Fremer from anywhere.... man, you make me so very jealous with all the hoopla going on at RMAF. I will definitely make it a point to go next year, in fact, I'm going to put in a request to have the RMAF weekend off my first day at residency.

Good times to be had by all, I'm sure. Enjoy guys, you all deserve it!

And Tim, lots and lots of pics.... you're my eyes/ears over there.... I made a little list of speakers (a few posts above) that I want you to listen to if time permits/possible. I know we have very similar tastes in audio reproduction as your spot on review of the Strata Minis from last year was very close to mine.

Thanks my friend.

cool, count me in.

My company's data center is in Denver and I usually visit twice a year, sounds like October is the ideal time ;)



Well Bummer, I can't make it, I have work trips planned that take me to other destinations this month.

Also, I was just out in Denver three weeks ago, hard to 'justify' another trip so soon ;)

I'd be interested in hearing what ML folks opinion is of the infamous 'hang a center speaker on its side' controversy :p

Also, would like to hear what people think of the Soundlab demos. They generaly do a good job at RMAF.
I'd be interested in hearing what ML folks opinion is of the infamous 'hang a center speaker on its side' controversy :p

Also, would like to hear what people think of the Soundlab demos. They generaly do a good job at RMAF.

1. Double that for me... ask David Penrod if we should start putting our current mains (Summits, Sequels, Vantages, etc) on their side, too...? LOL...

2. I've heard several reviews on these Soundlab demos (atleast the ginormous one that involved Ray Kimber and Jeff Rowland at the last Fest). They range from stunning to a bit underwhelming (the mic test imaged the guy waaaay to far). But, I'd be interested in hearing what you guys have to say about it if they have it again this year.

Organized comment format for all who can't attend

Howdy all,

Something to think about for those attending the RMAF. What do you all think about following a basic format when the attendees post their comments on the show.

Here's some initial thoughts.

1) Best sounding room / cost no object.

2) Best sounding room under $20K.

3) Best sounding room under $10K.

4) Most interesting / innovative new product you saw / heard.

5) Biggest disappointment of the show.

Please feel free to add / edit before Wednesday. This will hopefully provide a uniform format that may suggest some sense of consensus (if any) amongst those who attended.

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Beveridge Audio at RMAF

Beveridge Audio is debuting their newly designed G3 speakers at RMAF. It should be interesting to see what your thoughts are on these 'static speakers.

Beveridge Audio is pleased to announce the G3, Rick Beveridge's re-design of the historic Model 3. The G3's elliptical shape echoes the graceful lines of a sailboat hull. Not accidentally, the design also allows the speaker to be extremely robust and lightweight, given its size.

The G3 will debut this October in the Palmetto Audio Video suite at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in Denver, Colorado. The demonstration system will consist of:

* a pair of G3s and matching subwoofers

* Joule Electra LA-150 Line Stage Pre-Amplifier and Grand Marquis OTL Monoblock amplifiers

* EMM Labs CD player

* Audience cables and line conditioner

Happy listenning
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It's here!!!!

Boy O Boy am I excited !!!

The Fourth Annual Rocky Mountain Audio Fest starts TODAY!

I'm heading in to the office to take care of a few things this morning, but I'll be there when the doors open up at noon. I'm hooking up with Gordon I believe for sure, and I'll be on the lookout for other forum members. Anyone else who is attending try and drop me a PM and I'll exchange contact information so we can meet.

I'll probably do some posting similar to last year where I give some daily impressions with lots of pics. I like Gordons suggestion of overall impressions too, but likely won't post those until I've had a chance to see everything - most likely Sunday.

On my way back from New York yesterday I was sitting next to a guy who was looking at a copy of the Absolute Sound. I asked him if he was coming to Denver for the RMAF and he said yes, that was exactly the reason he was coming to Denver. We chatted a bit about things audio and eventually I found out that he was actually on the staff of the magazine. I think he said he was Marvin Lewis, the Advertising Manager.